
Maybe it's just that it feels like movies I'd think a bruh would like. So much anger.

How is Ted Nugent still a person they invite?

I know, it's like hearing your mortal enemy is also a white supremacist.

What are the chances Bob Kraft and co highly pressured the team to attend? I thank God every day (as a Patriots loathing Ravens fan) for Bob Kraft giving me the gift of his team supporting Donald Trump.

Also, who gives a damn about "Patriots staff", we care about the players! And maybe the coordinators and HC, but that's it.

Ha, you mean how he consistently said, "I am not a Trump supporter," as he spent every column lavishing praise upon him as the "Master Persuader" and the various mind games only someone as smart as Scott Adams could see. Trump isn't a chess master, he's a demagogue who plays on peoples fears. It's the most simple,

They also likely did it for the sake of the many liberal Boston sports fans who now find their team fully embraced by someone they hate.

Didn't he disappear from the public eye from 1998 until, well, today?

Ha, yeah he's no Hitler. Still, there's a non-zero chance he is currently reading this comments section, and I find that pretty terrifying in and of itself coming from our Commander in Chief.

They do it because they know Trump will respond. If he didn't act like a jack ass everytime they posted one of these photos, I would agree, don't do it.

The only thing worse than a dumb Trump supporter is a smart supporter who admires him for fooling his dumb supporters. Like Scott Adams. He openly admires that Trump misdirects and lies. I find that particularly sickening.

The person who adapted The Hunger Games really should have taken some liberties though.

"My generation in real life and in terms of Girls, we were kind of a disciplined generation."

Dang… this album is dirty…

Aw! It can type!

Do they have Marco's in Wichita? Marco's is good Midwestern pizza.

"This Handmaid’s Tale takes aim at 21st-century misogynists whose brand of toxic masculinity just might have boosted an avowed sexual predator to the White House."

Honestly I just don't think I have the mental fortitude to watch this kind of entertainment at the current political moment haha.

Ratings aren't for kids, they're for parents so they can avoid explaining sex to their kids.

When I was a kid rappers used to make up words and then you'd learn them and it would be like a secret code your parents didn't know. Now rappers don't even try to form words. I don't think it moved in the right direction. The city of Atlanta has had a nefarious influence on the medium.