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    The Office is weirdly crucial to my 15 year-old brother and all of his friends. It was at its peak, after all, when they were all like six through eleven and has remained solid. While for me it still seems like a relatively recent show, it's been a future of that generation's pop-culture landcape. All this is to say

    The Office is weirdly crucial to my 15 year-old brother and all of his friends. It was at its peak, after all, when they were all like six through eleven and has remained solid. While for me it still seems like a relatively recent show, it's been a future of that generation's pop-culture landcape. All this is to say

    He could start a war in Iraq and give huge across-the-board tax cuts to everyone and bring down regulations on Wall Street to a point where there's an industry worth trillions of dollars that holds maybe a tenth of that and will inevitably collapse!

    He could start a war in Iraq and give huge across-the-board tax cuts to everyone and bring down regulations on Wall Street to a point where there's an industry worth trillions of dollars that holds maybe a tenth of that and will inevitably collapse!

    I read this completely differently. I don't think that future Psylock's really all that great and that the future they went to is actually kind of shitty. That really cool scene with Warren was just a trick.

    I read this completely differently. I don't think that future Psylock's really all that great and that the future they went to is actually kind of shitty. That really cool scene with Warren was just a trick.

    I know, right? Are we sure that doesn't have some other meaning?

    I know, right? Are we sure that doesn't have some other meaning?

    Oh no, I don't really care about the Darth Vader Thing. The dude's jus bananas. He doesn't really have a grasp on reality or consequences. Some of his policies are alright, but then the other ones like, you know, getting rid of the Department of Education and having what rights you have depend on the state you live in

    To be fair, Asuka, what does your post have to do with anything?

    Yeah, what the fuck is up with that? I'm hoping it's another thing like where I think everyone likes Parks and Rec.

    I'm kind of surprised at the lack of love for Jordan, Jesse Go!(.) I mean, I honestly have kind of stopped listening after binging hard for a year or so, but they're funny and affable enough and got me into podcasts. I suppose it's probably the cultiest of a cult genre, though.

    Also, and I'm sorry I'm geeking out so hard, each game is a self-contained narrative, some better than others. Honestly, I own this and Portal 2 and I've never been bored. I don't even really play the latter. I just get on a server and it could be domination, crushing and unstoppable defeat, a rousing underdog story

    There are three elements that really set Battlefield apart:
    1. the ability to spawn on your team and the concept of a front line,
    2. The ability to spot people, marking them for the rest of your team, and
    3. The huge, progressive maps
    With CoD, even if you're playing Team Deathmatch, there's a good chance you'll get a

    "Oh! We've found an ancient TARDIS shell that's still got a bit of Time Lord Juice left! And River has just been fatally wounded? Whatever shall we do?"

    Misfits seems pretty low-budget but does a lot of cool shit, just with subtler powers and no big setpieces.

    Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.

    Passersby were amazed by the unusually large amounts of blood.

    Don't they do this, like, every year?