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    I thought that guy was homeless?


    A+ article. The length excites me.

    Good show. You should register and go pro.

    seems cheap.

    Does anyone know what kind of car they are driving?

    To be fair, comparing anything to Bad Company 2 is not a good idea.

    No one "invented" Beatlemania. It was what it was.

    And are you trying to say Buddy Holly or Chuck Berry could have written anything beyond Help? Because they wouldn't and most likely couldn't have.
    I think that the main point of what I'm saying is that, had the Beatles not existed, western music would be in a radically different place. Rap and Hip-hop probably would

    Or you can literally trace the roots of nearly every modern genre, chord progression, and aesthetic right on back to the Beatles. Sometimes hyperbole is true, fatty.

    Definitely. I like LCD Soundsystem better, and I'd listen to them before I'd listen to the Beatles. Beatles are still the best, though.

    Pop stands for "popular." So not everyone like popular music? Don't make sense.

    Yeah, true that. If you don't like the fucking Beatles, it's because everyone else likes them and you have to be a goddamn individual. They're the most influental band ever, and they have literally one BAD song, and that song set the standard for shitty noise rock everywhere. Fuck all these bitches in the video, and

    As a young person
    I now too hate young people

    the choice of "rag-tag" seems unfortunate, but I am rarely in control of my white guilt.

    No one will ever read this, but it's okay
    This special was bit hard to watch but all-the-more-awesome because each of the guys on it is a complete asshole, although CK and, to a lesser extent, Gervais are at least self-aware enough to make their demeanor compensate for it. I kind of disagree with Heisler about how

    Yeah, Smithstein. The argument's dumb, even if AD would win any day in my book. AD was unlike any other show, so it can't really be matched up cleanly. Also, Jerry Seinfield delivers every one of his lines as if he was doing stand up.

    Then why did I make up a book about them?

    of a dude and the*

    Douchiness is more of an aura that many can have, although White Dude Wearing Ed Hardy is the personification of that, like a Douche Magi. According to my Anthropologie Brotanica, these guys are mostly hipster-looking with the self-conscious sincerity of a dude the "our loud and obnoxious passion is inspiring others"