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    It's catering to an openly bigoted and hateful audience that many advertisers don't want to be associated with. "So what if it's hateful and bad, it's all art and worthy of national airtime" is a dumb argument, Satan.

    i would totally watch the townfolk grapple with lapis' art.

    You seem to be real invested in this so can you explain why furries usually have bad haircuts as part of their costumes(or w/e the least offensive term is)? I have to assume it's modeling the person wearing the costume's own hair but why is that the one characteristic that is shared between the costume worth hundreds

    Why do furries universally have bad haircuts? Why is that the factor that separates mascot costume from something that you want to fuck (or, you know, just "be" as a way of life and it's totally not a fetish even if any online furry community will overwhelmingly prove otherwise)?

    Man. for not being a sexist, you sure do have pretty strongly held convictions about how someone should criticize sexism. Also seems like a lot of people disagree with you.


    yeah, alright bud. I think I've heard this one before.

    I don't think it's the people who are concerned with not being racist that should be labeled incompetent.

    I really, really wanted to like the Nightly Show, but damn if it isn't just horrible. The roundtable is, at times, physically painful to watch, like when he put on a little stalk-eyes headband and asked their token sexist to define terms like "walk-of-shame." Gervais wishes he could be that cringe-worthy.

    I really don't know what demographic C-Czar is supposed to represent

    I think it's a little bbit of a stretch to think that Oswalt was so enraged by Trevor Noah's alone to go on this rant. I might be wrong, but it seems like he capitalized on this one example to air his opinions on the "PC Police" or whatever. And sure, maybe that crowd is too trigger-happy but I have a hard time seeing

    Point-by-point here:
    -Yeah, I made a dumbed down analogy and explained it in terms I hoped you would understand because it's not possible call a white straight dude much of anything that's actually dehumanizing
    - No, you're lacking in empathy because you don't understand how someone can feel legitimately demeaned when

    I mean, as a white dude who seems to be lacking in empathy I wouldn't expect you to. The closest equivilant for you would to be have someone make fun of your family for always wearing the same shirt and everyone repeats the joke over and over. And you're like, "why, like, we clearly are wearing different shirts." And

    No man, I love comedy. There is nothing better than a good joke. And I don't have it out for some crappy jokes from a few years ago, I have it out for crappy jokes everywhere.

    haha yeah man, you do not understand the concept of punching up. "Characters being mean to each other" doesn't count. Neither does making fun of reality TV stars, ya dingus.

    Are you serious? Patton Oswalt's whole theory here is that you can't make a joke about anyone for being different without someone getting offended. And not "having obnoxious traits" different, "being blind" different, among others.

    No it's the "we get it, mentally challenged people do not have the same ability as non-mentally challenged people. It's really not that funny of a joke."

    I love this theory except that D'angelo is most definitely not an anagram for LoveDragon. It shares some letter, I guess?

    I'm sorry, I really can't tell if we agree or not.

    Uh, sure, but did anyone have an opinion about how seriously you should have taken the operation? Had you taken it lightly, would anyone have started a discussion about how maybe you should be more concerned about the risks and implications of the procedure?
    If so, get some new friends.