
Isn't this basically the Slurm factory episode of Futurama?

Maybe I'm missing something, but why can't Eli just release the tape of that campaign worker slipping up? Surely that would stop the allegations.

Maybe I'm missing something, but why can't Eli just release the tape of that campaign worker slipping up? Surely that would stop the allegations.

I was kind of hoping the surprise would be that Will and Peter were having an affair.

I was kind of hoping the surprise would be that Will and Peter were having an affair.

This seems like a publicity stunt to me. This persecution has been going on for decades, and she's just noticed it? It looks like she especially timed her announcement to stop the translation partway in for dramatic effect. Alice Walker's basically saying, "You're wrong, which is why I'm not going to let you know why

This seems like a publicity stunt to me. This persecution has been going on for decades, and she's just noticed it? It looks like she especially timed her announcement to stop the translation partway in for dramatic effect. Alice Walker's basically saying, "You're wrong, which is why I'm not going to let you know why

The Huckleberry Finn thing really annoys me because it's MEANT to be from that time period! You can't just whitewash out the ugly parts of history — that's how people from that time spoke.

The Huckleberry Finn thing really annoys me because it's MEANT to be from that time period! You can't just whitewash out the ugly parts of history — that's how people from that time spoke.

Yes. The entire world is wrong. You are obviously the only sane one here.

I invented the piano key necktie!

Situation hopefully clarified with italics.

This show would be way more interesting if that was Amon's goal. I'd watch it, at least.

When Jones gave the device to Broyles-2, Broyles-2 asked what it was for, and Jones refused to tell him.

I forget why, really, but this show has answered this question thoroughly. I'm sure someone else can tell you in greater detail, but it's something about how Peter was brought into this universe when he activated the machine. They talked about it during the episode.

I loved that scene when they were in the conference room for the last time. Everyone knew what they had to do, but they were all hoping that Walter would swoop in with some sort of contrived solution at the last minute like he usually does.

I have nothing intelligent to say, except that Bolin's delivery of "Hm…mhm. I'm very confused right now," sent me into embarrassing fits of laughter.

Maybe Sparkly Sparkly Bush Man is the new Cabbage Guy.

I don't really get why the public thinks that people HAVE to come out. I mean sure, if you want to, why not? But not wanting to put your private life out into the public eye isn't a bad thing either. Just because you don't want everyone else to know your business doesn't mean that you're ashamed.

I kinda feel like the whole Six Flags montage was just an elaborate advertisement.