
Oh, gee, I wonder why people like to comment on articles in the comments section.  Is going against the popular opinion illegal now?

Oh my God yes.

I loved reading A Clockwork Orange and recognizing all the bits of Russian in it. I can never tell whether a word has a soft sign or not, though. Is there really an obvious difference?

Ugh, yet another pretty female companion to fall in love with the Doctor.  How groundbreaking.

It was golf this time.

You can't say no to the leather jacket. You just can't.

The Ninth Doctor <3

Not only is that background creeping the fuck out of me, but I'm so used to the milder AV Club background that this eye-withering white is starting to hurt my eyes.

Sits around and looks awesome.

TOO stupid and insipid? Really, now, I think you know the American public better than that. We're talking about the same American public that willingly watches orange Munchkins strut around national television.

I tried getting my friends to watch Community, and all I got was a blank stare and the constant refrain of, "Oh, yeah, I love The Big Bang Theory! Sheldon is my favorite character ever!"

Eli really doesn't have much to do this season. He's basically wandering from office to office, twiddling his thumbs and occasionally having a funny misadventure.


Alright, I know this was a Christmas special, but…This was so forced and syrupy that I almost fell asleep watching it. I mean, this episode had barely any plot. And the thin bit of plot that they did have was cliched and obvious. If this episode was any more cutesy, I'm sure Madge's parents and long-lost fifth cousin

No one likes Eccleston? D: He's my favorite Doctor!

Well, Nine + Rose -> Ten + Rose, so that was passed down.

Oh my God. That would absolutely be the best thing ever.

I kind of expected him to go, "Ehhhh, I don't know…let's flip a coin for it! Heads, it's allowed. Tails, it's sustained!"

And ended up as a brown stain on the mattress.

It's a good thing I have you people to analyze dramatic moments for me, because the first thing I thought of when Brody said, "Tell him it's over," was "Brody was going out with Nazir?"