This is the one show on the planet that I regret saying I haven't watched. I guess now is as good a time as any to start.
This is the one show on the planet that I regret saying I haven't watched. I guess now is as good a time as any to start.
I thought this rivaled "Good Grief" for best musical cue in recent TV history.
I loved Wiig, but that's kind of unfair because I always love her. I can't think of a more perfectly cast young-Lucille.
Any ideas on what comes next? Obviously the show sets up to return, whether that be in the form of a film or otherwise.
I hastily posted my thoughts before reading the review, but I think you did an excellent job, Todd. I'm fresh off of reading your Soprano's stuff, so this is a pretty stark contrast in terms of the written material, but damn it if your reviews don't always seem like a more eloquently stated image of my thought…
I really, really enjoyed the fourth season. I think a lot of it has to do with the low expectations I had going into the season, but I was quickly reminded about how clever this show is and was with each new episode.
I'm really glad this show got an opportunity for Anustart.
I hope that's my response the second time I watch it, because I generally love the switching.
Yeah, like I said, I can sort of see it both ways. For me, it just comes down to the fact that I enjoyed the very same things you felt were drawn out.
Honestly, I think the difference in those who will like this season and those who don't is going to come down to the structure. If you're a mega-AD fan, than a lot of this is going to give us the character depth that we've always wanted. Seven episodes into the season, I feel like I already know GOB and Tobias much…
Agreed. Say what you want about this season and how it wasn't as good as previous AD — It's still a hell of a lot better than most of the stuff out there right now.
***Spoilers Episodes 1-7***
I've watched the first three episodes, and the only one I really loved was the first one. The second one was blah, and the third one was a little inconsistant. Still, there were a lot of terrific gags in the third episode, including the thanksgiving duck which may have been one of the best payoffs in AD history.
I kinda felt that way too. I think Wiig is a great stand-in for Lucille, but I was not digging Rogen — who I generally like. It felt a tad forced.
Just saw on Twitter that Noel is reviewing the first two episodes right now. So far, it seems like his opinion of the new season is good.
I just watched the opener, and loved it. I think a lot of it is going to come down to expectations. There were a ton of call-backs that I really liked (the camera panning out to Buster threw me for a loop), and a lot of stuff I was cracking up at (Gob force-feeding Michael the roofy, calling him "stupid, forgetful…
Was just watching this episode on ITunes, and immediately came here to confirm. Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed.
Was just watching this episode on ITunes, and immediately came here to confirm. Glad I wasn't the only one who noticed.
I'm late to the party — as I always am — and found this to be pretty damn good television. Why? I'm not really sure. The Lily/Marshall stuff was terrible, and so was Barney's dog story. Barney has been especially awful thus far, which sucks because he was turning into an incredibly complex character by the time…
I'm late to the party — as I always am — and found this to be pretty damn good television. Why? I'm not really sure. The Lily/Marshall stuff was terrible, and so was Barney's dog story. Barney has been especially awful thus far, which sucks because he was turning into an incredibly complex character by the time…