
I want to say I knew that, but for some reason I had it stuck in my head it was fourteen.

Arrested Development is the one show where I wouldn't really mind it overstaying its welcome, so to speak.  The characters are so well developed and I enjoy the cast so much that I can't think of the show getting to the point where I wouldn't want to watch it.

Losing the Office will be like losing a friend that I of lost contact with a few years ago.  It's sad to watch them go, but at the same time, it's easy to remember your weren't all that close anymore anyway.

I honestly didn't think the first film was so terrible.  I hated myself for liking it, but what are you going to do?

As much shit as everyone has been giving the fourth season, I'm not sure anyone on here will be unhappy with this news.

According to Joel McHale, Community has been renewed for a fifth season.

I'm trying to remember the last time I was hooked on a show this short into its run.

Is the AVC ever going to go back and review this show?  I just got done going through the Sopranos and loved how much that enhanced a re-watching of the show.  Hoping at some point they come back and review this.

I hated THX.  Maybe it was my fat film professor's unwarranted enthusiasm for it, or maybe it was the fact that it just wasn't very good.  

I posted earlier, but for what it's worth, I'd love you to continue reviewing the show Todd.

Was about to post the exact same thing.  Was really surprised with the C.  Probably would have given it a B myself.  I thought Farmiga was fantastic.

Easily the best episode since the show's return.  Morgan is awesome, and it would be a damn shame if that was his last episode.

I have a love/hate with Noe.  I love his movies, but I also hate his movies.  

You get me every time with that damn comment.

Also, it would be nice if the writers quit reminding us that T-Dogg is dead.  We fucking get it. 

At least the writers are consistent. I was worried they might have Andrea kill the Governor, as that simply would have been too smart of a thing for her character to do.

No Michael Scarn or Regina Phellangie?

I'd really hate it for the show if they wasted a couple of episodes
developing Tyreese's character only to have him never show up again. 
This show has had its share of head-scratchers, but that would be right at the top of the list.

That's for sure.

"What are you, a Kenyan?" — I can't be the only one who laughed my ass off at that line.