
Don't hold your breath for "Bordello of Blood", babe.

Don't hold your breath for "Bordello of Blood", babe.

Easy there squeeb squab. You're starting to get that glazed over look in your eyes like Mike Tyson near a freshman girl's dorm room.

Glad to see this flick's getting made. Now I know the production values on the first one made Parts: The Clonus Horror look like the missing reel of the Magnificent Ambersons, but I dug the message. Right now the official aggrieved minority in this country is the majority, and it ain't gonna work folks. In fact I'm

Listen babe, at this point I've had more shows cancelled than that Spider-man musical.

Listen, when Sandler first came on SNL, I gotta be honest, I didn't get it. And I told him "what's your play? are they really gonna buy the cross-eyed guy?"

HEY! Listen bambino, I never said Clinton was God. I always thought the guy was slimier than a Blob Fish with a side of Okra.

Well well well
Listen, Victoria was a stone cold killer back on SNL, as well as a really sweet dame. Now I know you kids think us conservatives are all squares. We're the equivalent to you of the town elders in Footloose. Me, I consider myself more of a right-wing rhombus. Fact is, we're raising a generation of

Hey hipsters
If you're ever down at the local mom and pop video rental store that stubbornly continues to exist, check out "Bordello of Blood" starring moi, Angie Everhart and Erika Eleniak at the height of their perkiness, I mean powers. I got to run around spraying vampires with Super Soakers. Hey, man's gotta

You don't read, PERIOD, babe.

Let's be honest here folks…
The real reason DIVX failed was because they hired a middle-eastern cat to hawk it in those ads. Now I don't want to get off on a rant here, but in the last decade America's trust of swarthy looking dudes has plummeted lower than Obama's approval ratings. Fact is, we WANT to trust you

Before 9/11
I was just a young kid with a dream. Then I graduated from the Chucky Cheese ballpit,and grew a pair of Tungsteen Steel cojones.

"This is America, people are rude and annoying everywhere"

Beautiful, babe

Can't stay mad at a guy with a Steve Martin reference as his username. Keep up with the inside baseball Gerny.

Isn't this the cat
who kicked Neo's ass in Matrix 2?

What can I tell ya…
Glad to see Sinead O'Connor's getting work, babe

I've bee around for almost a year, babe. Now go wallow in your PRECIOUS loserhood

How about "Fag on Wheels"?