
Speaking of Black Panthers….
is anyone else but me wanting to see this Eric Holder guy investigated? I mean, when you've got two black cats standing outside a polling booth brandishing a PIPE….that kind of shit doesn't go down in my America, babe. Your vote's all you got. Fuck i forgot a reference….

fuck off cuntnozzle

You think we can get a 4th staff member to post in this thread, babe?

That's not the only thing you do with your mouth that's totally different, babe. BA BOOM

Stop stealing my schtick, babe. You're more desperate than something at something

Gotta defend Officer O'Reilly on this one
Look folks, I don't mean to go off on a rant here, but The Simpsons has been going downhill longer than Bode Miller on an Escher staircase. And let's face facts folks, at this point taking shots at Fox News is like hitting the broad side of the Wailing Wall with an XM214. This

I don't want to get off on a rant here, but most of these gimmick posters make Rob Schneider look like the lost Marx brother. The comedy bar has been set so low here, Warwick Davis just ordered a round for everyone. Mr. McGimmick himself makes Tommy Wiseau's The Room look like the missing reel of the Magnificent

Hey, give them time, babe. It took about 10 to 15 years to finally embrace endearing broad african-american characters from the mid 80's

I paved the way with Dennis Miller Live. Never forget, babe.

Whatever happened to El Mencia, anyway? Cat disappeared faster than a pack of smokes at an AA meeting. Not that I'm holding my breath, babe. Guy made Senor Wences look like Bill Hicks.

Good News Folks
I'll be returning as Sandra's former lover, Dr. Alan Champion.

Hey, don't talk bad about Officer O'Reilly. The man may not have the most ingratiating of personalities, but he tells em like he sees em. Obama, meanwhile, changes sides faster than Bugs Bunny turns the "Duck Season Rabbit Season" sign. When he was campaigning he sounded like Jimmy Neutron, now he's up there talking

Of course that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.

I Don't Mean to Go Off On a Rant Here…
…but leaving out my book of Rants Series makes about as much sense as Lady Gaga singing the national anthem of Turkmenistan at a Chuck E Cheeze. Listen babe, when you're making such fatal errors, it makes me thing your writing staff is a bunch of stoned, hacky sack playing

Hey Hollyweird
As long as we're rebooting everything, why don't we "reboot" Obama's presidency?

I just started reading Atlas Shrugged, and I have to say I'm digging it, babe. Does anyone else see the parallels between John Gault and Bush? Heroic brave men confronted by a mediocre society when trying to do the right thing.

The 90's are back
in a big way, babe.

Just one step closer….
to Comrade Obama beaming into my sitting room and telling me to recycle while I sit there in my skivvies looking like I'm auditioning for the lead role in Elvis: The Dying Years.
Cha ha

I didn't know they made white M n' M's. Is that the "Joe Biden's hair special edition" brand?

A bit of a Lohan fan, are we babe? Relax, cha cha, we see through you like used Neutrogena.