
Again I say, it's one thing to forgive someone, it's a whole different thing to then fall in love with them and have a sexual relationship. Sexual violence is really traumatic (understatement of a lifetime). It should be treated with gravity. Shows should not go there if they aren't going to take it seriously (I have

That may be true, but that was a much longer time coming and Spike really had to do a lot to redeem himself.

Letting bygones be bygones is different than having a sexual relationship. I could see them working together as partners, but that not the same thing as falling in love.

After Spike tried to rape Buffy, they never went back to having a real relationship. Eventually she forgave him after he went through hell (literally) to redeem himself.

Where is it being screened? What cities?

Oh, I just can't wait.

You could have a ghost in a school, or a church, or maybe a train station. Perhaps even a child's birthday party.

Aren't there other stories that one might tell with a team of Ghostbusters, male or female. Why tell the same damn story? Also, why does my identify randomly change back and forth when I go to post? Sometimes I'm me, sometimes I'm Biochemist. Always I'm confused.

I have no doubt that you are correct about him not being able to deliver Annie Potts' exquisite line readings. However, that is not what I require from a secretary, real or imagined.

A post below reminded my that "Bring It On" would be a good addition to the list. Does our day have to be only 24 hours long? Also, "To Sir with Love" and "If" (or are we constrained to North American settings).

Um, I think the greatness of Cher's life in Clueless is supposed to be appreciated with irony. That is to say her life appears great because she is clueless. For that matter, one might interpret "Bring It On" as a movie about how great high school is.

Agreed. Why not "Sixteen Candles" if we are going that route?

Two Dollars!

Not at all. Maybe you have not thought a lot about how and where you will be buried, but with your parents—or with your child as is the case here—is not unusual.

I'm just going to agree with everyone else here by saying that Walk Hard shouldn't be thrown casually on the same list as those other movies.

People were surprised that Juliette is alive? If the body of a supernatural being mysteriously disappears, they are not dead. Unless you see someone's head in a box, they are not dead (and even then … I'm lookin' at you Lorn). The surprising twist would have been if she actually was dead.

Middle school kids can be delightfully uninhibited on stage.

This was really fun. I kept thinking I need to go to bed (early lecture) but I just had to stay to the end. I was floored by how much better it was than the other live musical attempts from the past few seasons. Just about everyone hit it out of the park. You also can't miss when you get Cirque de Soleil as your troop

The second one was clearly her boyfriend, and we learned in the last scene that she loved her father and had no qualms about killing Frankie. The plot was very ill-conceived.

It did not make sense that she would kill the "suitors", especially since she had known them all her life and she appeared to be involved with the second one. If she was willing to kill someone, she could have just killed Frankie and been done with it.