
Never seen it. For example, I go anxious when John Constantine picked up the cat. What's he going to do to the cat? That was the scariest part of that movie for me.

The problem with horror films is that they are horror films. If you've seen a few, they stop being surprising. You know something horrific is going to happen. You can appreciate them as craft, but they are no longer scary. Try to recapture the feeling of seeing "Blue Velvet" for the first time, assuming, hopefully,

That's how it was for me with "The Legacy" and "Phantasm". I was terrified of the trailers as a kid. The movies themselves? Not so much.

Agreed. "The Shining" is a horror movie, but it's not really a scary movie.

Movies that scare me now aren't necessarily horror movies. They are movies where kids are in danger. Also pets. I get viscerally uncomfortable during those.

The Blair Witch Project, but that's not the fault of the movie. Had I seen it under the right circumstances, it probably would have been scary. Not my husband though. He just did not pay enough attention. He was almost angry (well, at least highly peeved) that it was not more scary, and then I explained to him what he

And before you say anything, yes, I know the rape is implicit in the book, but it was made very explicit on stage.

After watching the NT production of Frankenstein last night (on film) with a big old "the Creature rapes Elizabeth on stage" scene, I have had a enough Frankenstein anything for a while. Did I mention that I brought my 14 year old daughter to watch her favorite actor (Benedict Cumberbatch) … dress as a monster and

Their father. Their father drove his brother to drink. His brother was a "loser" not a "killer" like Donald.

I mean really. Think of any line that Frank delivers, and you can pretty much imagine Trump saying it, or, lord help us, find him saying something similar.

Could someone make the ad where they compare him to Frank Booth from "Blue Velvet". That's what I'm seeing. Those other bullies are just amateurs.

Definitely find and read the novelette. I vividly remember reading it when it was published in 'Omni' magazine. It was August, and I was a 12 year old kid on summer vacation in a cabin by a lake. I could not put it down. I was really excited when I found out it was being adapted, but the adaptation (while fun) did not

It's about puberty, not mental illness. I find it scary as hell, but then again I first saw it when I was going through puberty.

"Chinatown". You want a horrific monster? I give you "Chinatown".

I wouldn't say that was my favorite part, but I did like that the movie recognized that when the central couple inevitably gets together, two other people get hurt—and those people aren't bad people. The fact that they got their own happy ending was nice. Happiness does not have to be a zero sum game.

No way it works to put a living cat onstage, unless she's drugged.

Tartar Sauce, her name is Tartar Sauce. That is a perfectly respectable name for a cat.

Emma Thompson is a terrific comedic actress. She's just wonderful in that movie. The pig was from me.

Ha ha ha! Priceless.

Why is this not playing near DC?