
Thanks for the horrible 'effing earworm.

It's up to her. She's stoked to start watching.

Oh yay! This gives me an excuse to watch the entire series again with my 13 year old (just like we binge-watched every X-men movie before "Days of Future Past" came out). So far she has only seen the funny ones. I have to pay close attention to her nerducation, which is home-schooled.

Glad to see it's not just me who found that to be the most disturbing thing we have seen yet on this show. Last season's face feeding comes a close second, but I did not scream out loud at that one.

Damn straight!

I also felt very invested in Teddy. I felt that his existence belied the idea that David was new. Clearly Teddy was already capable of love. His ceaseless devotion to David was every bit if not more heartbreaking as David's devotion to his mother.

I too was raped in college and find that I am still troubled by intrusive memories of the experience decades later. I agree that it is extraordinarily difficult to tell people about the experience. Even at the hospital the next day (I suffered severe injuries including broken bones) I denied what had actually happened

Totally terrified by the ad for Prophecy, which is about mutant grizzly bears. Could not sleep at night because of seeing just a tiny clip. Great poster art too.

Oh, agreed.

Way ahead of you on this. My daughter is already traumatized by the cover art on "The Thing", which she has been barred from watching until she is the age I was when I first saw it (15). She is fine to wait until about never.

Oh, and the horses are pretty.

I sang the song for my daughter during that part, but she's too young to have seen either of the Parker/Stone uses. This also means she too young to see training montages as ironic.

Agreed that the sung promos were the most tiresome part of the evening. I don't watch any of those shows anyway (although a friend of mine play Deacon on "Nashville", so go "Nashville"), but now I am even less likely to ever do so).

Made a point of watching it pretty much for the same reason everyone else did (i.e. curiosity), and it was fine. I'm surprised by the grade based on the reviewer's own end comments. True, I was not blown away and transported to a higher realm or anything, but I was entertained, laughed a couple of times, and was not

"I just landed on a hot goose!"
"You have all the fun."

OK. I got there, like, 2 whole minutes before you, just so you know.

And just forget about "The Manchurian Candidate", or that crappy "Red Dawn" remake, or, OK, I'm all out.

Give me a break. i can think of a half dozen films right off the top of my head that deal with assassination attempts on the POTUS, and plenty that make him look foolish. They need to get over themselves.

Just what I was thinking. I feel obligated to see it now.

Um, Gandalf has not yet become the white wizard. He's still the gray wizard in this. That said, I was not happy with the first two in the trilogy, and I doubt this is going to be any better.