
Cried at the trailer. As a grown person, I just don't think I can subject myself to this. I've already watched too many friends actually die. My pre-teen daughter will have to go without me.

How long does it take for the cops to come when they get a "shots fired" call? What about an ambulance? Did the last ten minutes of the show actually only take 90 seconds?

I'm not exactly sure when I started crying, but by the time Abigail got her throat slit, I recognized that my face was wet.

Why does it take so long for the Grimm review to be loaded?

Did not see you comment before posting mine, but I got exactly the same impression.

From the trailers I assumed that Jennifer Garner was playing his daughter. Ew, just ew.

I think it's great to see a show like that on TV, particularly on network. It's geared toward the lay-audience, but that's appropriate since most people are not scientists.

I'm guessing the more likely reason is squeezing in a couple of more hours of "Antiques Road Show" or a Peter, Paul and Mary broadcast, but OK. Where is the PBS I grew up with?

This seems like it would be good for kids. Why put it on at 10:00 at night?

OK, I will accept for now that the royals are human. But the fact that they show disdain for certain mystical creatures does not rule out the possibility that they are themselves mystical. We have seen wesen demonstrate prejudice against each other on several occasions.

This is a great fail, because actual royal blood is no different than non-royal blood, but "Grimm" Royal blood is detectable by magic. That Romani woman was not using PCR. Anyway, in the Grimm world we are to believe that historical figures like Hitler can be non-human. The same could be true for royal families. So

What species are the royals?

Maybe she is missing both her writing arm and her tongue (and possibly her mind).

I watch it. It's not the same quality as Hannibal, but it is pitched to a broader audience (some scary gore, but I can watch it with my 11 year old). It's got more of a sense of humor (some writers from Buffy). Not as sophisticated by a long shot, but fun. It's got a decent mythology.

When do they watch? Friday and Sunday are the ONLY days we watch TV in my house, but maybe that's unusual.

Now I am curious. When do all the super-sophistcated TV viewers prefer to watch their shows? During the week? Don't they have jobs?Can't you just watch whenever you want anyway? Do people actually still watch shows based on whenever they happen to come on? You can't put everything in Sunday evening, you now.

It's good for me that it's not "too good for network" because I sure as hell am not paying for cable. In my house it's go network or go home.

I actually started watching Hannibal because my family are dedicated Grimm watchers. Now all three of us watch Grimm together then my daughter bolts from the room to avoid even catching a single glimpse of Hannibal (she's 11).

Yes. I have come to accept the dreamlike temporal illogic and the regular lack of witnesses, even in a hospital.

I don't think Alana sleeping with Hannibal would be creepy if he was, you know, human. If he was just a totally normal, gorgeous, brilliant, accomplished guy who happened to mentor her at some point, I could absolutely buy the hook-up. It's the fact that he is a monster that kind of throws me.