
Control and dominance are relevant to sex, of course, but so is a loss of control. Even the dominant person in a sexual act (even an aggressively sexual act, which this does not appear to be) is not completely in control of themselves (of their own body). Erection is an involuntary, autonomous act. A person can not

I have a hard time accepting Hannibal as a being who is capable of having sex. It requires a vulnerability and interpersonal connection that I don't think he possesses. Sex requires loss of control, and Hannibal is always in control. That said, the Hannibal who calmly snapped his fingers in Alana's ear was the

No, I have no inside information. Just a guess that could quite easily be wrong. Wold be a cliche, I guess, not that that keep writers from using it. Her death, however, would not be unexpected. A lot of people are trying to kill her, after all, and she sort of has it coming.

So is everyone else pretty sure that Nick and Juliette are going to end up raising that baby? Or maybe Rosalee and Monroe? Adalind in a goner, which is a shame now that I have actually kind of come to like her, and I sort of wanted her to end up with Meisner (who is welcome to remove his shirt any time). And is Kelly

Agreed (but it's the only show I watch).

Also, Hannibal is obviously not a regular swimmer. His stroke was very forced and his breathing technique was terrible. It was a moment of uncharacteristic inelegance. I prefer him with his clothes on, in the kitchen.

Unnecessarily slow dipping device. When are these show-boaty killers going to learn? Just let him drown. He'll be dead in five minutes. I was about to give Brown credit for a surprisingly efficient and elegant murder (even knowing that the plot would not allow it), but no.

The posing of the judge was very reminiscent of other murders he will commit later (since we get to see time in reverse for this character). It seemed very incongruous to me that he would not have committed that murder.

Still made it look good, though. The peak carnivore at rest.

Would be difficult. He would have to use liquid nitrogen, and it would take quite a lot. The process would not be instant. Even a volume of 0.5 ml takes about a minute to freeze solid.

It was a kidney, but otherwise, yes.

Kevin Sorbo looks terrible.

And I liked the cast, except for Sean Young. I did not like it whenever she was on the screen.

I liked it just fine. I was happy when my kid was old enough to watch it with me. I think the art direction is terrific.

So I can usually sweep aside the issue of how they cover up these cases, but this one is a bit more difficult. To the casual observer it would appear that Nick shot an old lady in the back because she was attacking an able-bodied member of the police force. An why was that member of the force there? Well, he was

This is really funny. To think that "The Wind Rises" gets a PG13 for scenes of people smoking (animated) cigarettes, and piles of corpses gets the same rating. Love that rating system.

Fantasy violence along those lines is not a problem. She would leave the theatre if there is any sex. She's very grossed out by sexy stuff. She couldn't even watch "Splash".

So, should I take my 11 year old daughter to see this? She watches "Buffy", "Grimm" and "I, Claudius". Looks fun, but not sure what PG-13 means in this context.

My husband's response to curling "Why do they even have guy's curling?"

Agreed, although I do not think I have ever seen him with a black eye before, and he did not have one in the opening ceremonies.