
Can anyone tell me why Shaun has a black eye? I did not see anything in his performance that would obviously result in a black eye. Did someone hit him in the eye?

First scene I thought of too upon hearing the news yesterday. The next thing I thought of was his role in "Magnolia" two years later, and seemingly from a different planet. Brings tears to me eyes every time I think of it, and that was before PSH died.

Couple things about Monroe's parents and the Wesen community in general. One, there are many, many non-criminal Wesen around Portland. Monroe has lots of Blutbad friends, and look at all the damn beavers and the restaurants staffed entirely by pigs. My impression is that maybe 1 in 10 people in Portland is Wesen, if

Juts had to drop everything an re-read the story again.

I vividly remember having the story read to me when I was about that age. It also captivated the unruly group of kids I was with. Now I have discussion with my colleagues and students about the evolutionary nature and benefits of story-telling.

Shouldn't more of these people have attorneys present during their interrogations?

I totally agree that i did not want to see any flashbacks or anything (I really, really did not), but I felt that the crime committed against her was not treated as seriously as it should have been, and it was a real crime that actually happens, not some made up Wesen ritual.

Same tailor as the Hulk

I found the magnitude of the crime against Frankie to be a little too heavy (and real) for the show to handle. I could see the rape angle coming almost from the beginning, and I guess it just made my stomach hurt the whole time. This is the first time the show has mentioned rape, and I think they have not quite grown

To most Wesen, a Grimm is like a mythical creature. The only place they have ever heard of one is in fairytales. A rattlesnake is not a good example. Not only have I seen many rattlesnakes, but I also know tons of other people who have.

Yeah. She was was one cool customer. I got the impression that Nick was not her first Grimm. And to be fair, the pigs guys never seem to be too intimidated by Nick for some reason.

So we have to assume that for most of the Wesen we see, Nick is the first Grimm they have ever met. Otherwise they would be dead, by definition. And yet they all know what a Grimm is and how to recognize one. We are to believe that this is because Wesen parents tell their children about Grimms, but sort of like the

Oh, didn't see this before I posted. Agreed.

It's actually an adaptation of a stage play version of the story, so it's somewhat streamlined (which is a good thing). It's the first version I ever saw as a child, and I think it holds up pretty well. MUCH less silly than the Coppola adaptation years later. Langella is definitely the proto-sexy vampire.

Just because people don't "age" in Neverland doesn't mean they don't "get older". A 100 year old woman who looks 13 is still 100 years old and is not going act like a 13 year old. Pan is very old indeed, as is Hook. They just end up with a disconnect between their physical and mental age. Living in Neverland is like

After some thought I've decided that I like the hipster Darlings, but I found the transition from badass hipster henchmen to simpering hipster sad sacks to be a little abrupt. Anyway, happy to see them. I found Bae's departure from the Darling household to be one of the most poignant things that happened last year, so

Agreed. The actress is 19, and I think from the look of her brothers that several years must have passed after Bae left before Wendy was taken to Neverland, although all the timelines are weird/variable so who knows.

Totally agree about Bancroft. I remember some of her dialogue and delivery word for word. "That's a big cat, what does he eat?" "Other cats". I liked the movie, even with the excess of naked Paltrow.

Getting involved with Red is a quick road to becoming a red-shirt on this show.

I was almost going to mention the knives/hot coals thing, or having to split her tale with a knife. At the very least I thought Regina was going to ask her to plunge a knife into Snow's heart.