
This show can not cast princes. The only interesting—and dare I say sexy—male characters are evil (Rumple, yum), sort-of-evil (Hook, double-yum), insane (Jefferson, good lord yum), or dwarves (Grumpy, more of a yum than any of the princes, and funny). Neil is OK too, better than the princes at least. August had his

Agreed on all the costume complaints, particularly the "Ariel emerges from the sea ready for Little Mermaid on Ice" get-up. It would have been possible to just have her emerge from the water unclothed. "Safe" shots are easy enough to set up; she could have been behind a rock, or blocked by Snow standing in the

I actually cheered when Hook immediately told David and Snow about Neal (and giggled when Snow immediately told Emma). The Ariel stuff I found tiresome, and was surprised to find myself repeatedly wanting to get back to the island.

Agreed. I felt that so many of the Ariel beats were fan service, and would make no sense at all to people who had never seen the movie ("I collect things." So?). I was kind of hoping they would go back to the actual fairytale (where she dies).

We actually saw her work as a vet in the first season. She was treating some horses that were attacked by Sasquatch. She then looked at Sasquatch's hair under a microscope and analyzed it. Sasquatch is HUGE in Oregon by the way.

I know that no one likes the dragging out of the Adalind stuff, and nor do I, but I will add to the comlaints anyway. My response to all of her eye rolling and yuck-facing, is was she ever a hexenbiest in the first place? Has she forgotten what a hexenbiest is? What did she think she was getting into asking for her

My husband's reaction, "He's in this?"

The (thoroughly unsexy) scene of Brooke Adams walking nude through the green house really struck me as an adult as well, mostly because I thought how odd it must have been on set. You have your big star walking around nude while surrounded by nameless, fully clothed extras. I know that you should lose yourself in the

Watched this again recently side by side with the earlier adaptation (which was pretty good for the time). The 1978 version is just marvelous. It stands up to multiple viewings. It really benefits from superb performances all around and exquisite direction.

I was about 11 when it cam out. My parents sent me to see it along with a bunch of kids in the neighborhood. I did not sleep for weeks, maybe years. I did not sleep much as a kid.

Agreed. i saw this when it was first made and found it extremely unsettling. The fact that even the rescue parties had to resort to cannibalism was particularly disturbing. I palpably felt the terror of those native American guides who most certainly knew what was up, and who had refused to consume the flesh of those

He kills several other children, but always when he is cornered. Still.

Voldermort kills himself. Harry never delivers a killing curse. All he does prior to that is destroy cursed objects.

One more thing. The lost "boys" are too old (yes, I know they are called the lost "ones" on the show). The man who plays Felix is 26, and the rest of them look to be at least in their late teens. It makes the whole island play as less "Lord of the Flies" and more "why aren't these guys out looking for girls; I can't

For "rapey", check out any scene between Hook and Belle. Hook is really evil in those scenes.

I enjoyed seeing Hook's backstory (I could watch Colin all day, particularly with costume changes and lots of guyliner), but it's a long way from handsome lieutenant to some of the nearly unredeemable things we have seen him do. The character swings wildly between charming rogue and pure evil. Let's not forget that he

All Hook has to do is come clean about everything Pan has said to him (starting with asking Hook to kill David). The other characters can decide whether they want to believe Pan or not (and whether they even believe Hook). It serves absolutely no purpose to conceal what Pan has said. Even if Hook plans to double-cross

Thank you about the "undoing" thing. It very well could be his death, but it most certainly does not have to be. Could it be the undoing of the curse of being the dark one? Who knows? There are a lot more interesting ways of "undoing" him than killing him.

Has anyone else noticed that there is a lot of premarital sex and unwed pregnancies among the enchanted forest crowd? Emma appears to have been conceived before Snow and Charming were officially married (there was that thing in front of Charming's mother), and to my knowledge, Philip and Aurora were never married.

I do have to go back and work out why Hood's kid would be four. We saw Maid Marion pregnant. So I guess that mean we saw her about three years before the curse?