
"The Decalogue" is much bleaker than "Pelle". They are in different leagues in terms of bleakness. There is an uplifting element to Pelle, and indeed the film contains plenty of humor. This is a movie I never stop thinking about, and I recommend it to anyone who has not seen it. Most of the vignettes are told with

Just sat through the second movie. It's better than the first, but that's not saying much. It's bearable if you have a kid who really wants to see it. The "Sea of Monsters" does appear to be nearly free of monsters.

What sort of Kubrick box set is that? It's in my Kubrick box set. I think you may have gotten a defective set.

I don't know about that. If you think of SPEW as part of a larger arc about the relationship between wizards and other magical creatures, I think she moved that along nicely. SPEW fizzled out because Hermione did not really know that much about elves. And now I should get back to work.

What always amazes me is how you can take extremely handsome men (Bale, Renner) and make them look bad with 70s styling. The women still look great, of course. Movie looks like it could be good. Certainly evocative of the age (which I am old enough to remember).

I'm getting more of a "Neo meets Voldermort" vibe that anything having to do with the 47 ronin. If you want to make this movie, why not call it something else? The revenge of the 47 ronin is a pretty well established historical event.

Time to start reading The Dissolve.

OK. This is actually pretty awesome.

As far as I can tell, they are in fact not dead. In as much as "un" can be used as a prefix roughly meaning "not", then we can call them "undead", but they are not reanimated corpses (again, speculating here) like other fictitious creations referred to as undead (most of whom are in fact dead but reanimated in some

I don't think it looks very good, and Harrison Ford seems awful. I already feel let down. I bet they will come in with a rating that my kid can watch (which means not true to the book at all).

Good lord was I disappointed by The Dark Is Rising film. I LOVED those books as a kid.

Gee. I actually liked this (and I don't like either of the leads). Surprised to see it get so much intense vitriol. There are a lot better things to hate on.

Is the color off in that picture or did he just spill some fruit punch on his shirt? It's looks too pink to be blood.

To be fair, condors are not particularly distinct if you can't see their enormous wing span.

I looked it up. He's meant to be a condor (raub-kondor). There actually was an owl (scharfblicke) on another episode, and he really looked like an owl. Don't know how I forgot about that.

Is the hunter guy selling pelts to other wesen? If so, I can imagine why some (bad, bad wesen) would want the glowey-folk skin, but why would they want a fuchsbau pelt? Rosalee has pretty fur, but do we envision a market for it among other wesen? Are they rare? Is there a market for wesen pelts among humans maybe?

I think if they are going to do an owl, they can make it more overtly owl like. We know from owls around here.

I think he is an eagle. That is a very important distinction in this house in which dwells a little girl who loves owls, and was really upset that the bad guy might be an owl.

Good call. I assumed his super-hearing was detecting the bull guy (who I liked, BTW), but yeah, he really should have heard the truck. Oh wait, wasn't bull-guy the one who smashed the windows, so maybe he was hearing that. He needs to work on his spidey-sense face in any event.

Yeah. Season three! Is moving to Tuesday a bad thing? I don't know enough about TV to judge.