
Is it possible that Volcanalis is a type of a thing instead of a single thing? He turned into obsidian when he froze, and wasn't there an implication that that is where obsidian comes from? Maybe the goddess Pele was the same type of thing, as were all of the other mythological guardians/gods Wu listed in the ring of

Yeah. Doesn't lava solidify when it goes into sea water? I'm pretty sure I saw that on National Geographic or Nova or something, with islands getting made and whatnot. That said, for a big scary god, he was a little too easy to defeat.

I've been thinking since the end of last season the Wesen vet was her natural role. they need to get her back to be a functioning adult (and vet) first.

Even my 10 year old has become savvy enough to ask upon his hasty exit "Is the actor sick or something, is he going to be OK?"

This is a great movie. Do I understand from the comments below that Lucas has gone back and messed with it? If so, I will never see his re-edited version, because his original version was very good. I choose to remain blissfully unaware of his old man foostering.

Genius improv. Go Tribe!

That's what my dad thought when he took me to see "Watership Down". Boy was he (pleasantly) surprised.

Also saw this at about that age, and I am not ashamed to say I totally cried copiously at the end. I guess it's about time for my daughter to watch it.

Well, in this particular Hunger Games, you need to have lots of other ways to kill people. Many of the players (not all) are friends and will be reluctant to kill each other. Even in a standard Hunger Games this is important since many of the kids will not be any good at killing, and it makes it more interesting for

The third was my least favorite, but I felt like reading it from a sense of obligation. At that point I just wanted to know how she was going to end the story. I think she had some good ideas in it, but the execution was lacking. That said, the fact that Katniss played only a small role was actually good, I think. She

The hair was pretty stylin' all around in the capitol.

I read the books first, then made my ten year old daughter read them before she was allowed to see the movie.

For better or worse the rest of the developed and in some cases developing world has surpassed us both in total incidence and in rates of obesity related diseases such as type II diabetes. The statistics in the link are not broken down by type, but most of the worldwide diabetes load is type II (around 80-90%). Also,

Which is one reason why we are so fond of them. They are wonderful—and for most our our history rare—sources of concentrated, easily metabolized (in the case of sugar) calories. Such calories are best stored as fat on our bodies. Stored food can spoil or be stolen by enemies. Stored fat, not so much, unless your

Maybe each season does not actually take an entire year. After all, its not like there are 365 episodes.


I saw male comedians doing reenactments of "surprise kitty" when that was the current meme, and let's not forget "An Engineer's Guide to Cats". Furthermore, while many of the videos feature women with their cats, the background noise suggests that were filmed by men (who are enjoying it immensely, based on the

I don't really think there is a right or wrong to owning a microwave. I have read that's it's a very energy efficient way of cooking, so I guess that's a plus. Do people actually worry about whether or not they should own a microwave, or do people give other people crap for that? It's a new one on me.

Good luck to you Persia.

I think a big problem with issues regarding food and diet is that food is something that we must have. We can not simply abstain from food, at least not for very long, and doing so can be harmful to us physiologically even in the short term. All humans, since the beginning of humanity, have more or less eaten the food