
Your comment is funny, but in all seriousness, it's possible to buy chicken that was slaughtered under safe conditions (well, not for the chicken) but not from a behemoth processing plant. In fact, the mass processing and disgusting conditions under which the chickens on industrial farms are raised can increase the

The effect of the "western" diet on obesity rates (and more significantly morbidity rates) is actually most dramatic on populations who are new to the diet. True, the traditional Japanese diet is not associated with obesity or obesity related co-morbidities such as type II diabetes (although it is associated with

It's never helpful to feel guilty about what you eat. It is helpful to be knowledgable about what you eat. Processed foods can be part of a healthy diet, but do you really want to rely on them all the time? Probably not. Rather than reading a book about food and thinking "oh, it's just some other person telling me

It seems like you have found a very effective way of cooking for yourself by cooking large meals on the weekends (or whatever your days off are) and freezing them. You actually prove the point that cooking really is not that hard.

You can hide her posts if you don't like them, you know, FB let's you do that.

Obesity is on the increase in Japan, and they will catch up with us. Many overweight people don't go out because they are stigmatized. You can't measure obesity rates by what you see on the street, nor can you measure overall health. The Japanese have some of the highest rates of hypertension in the world. That said,

I find your assessment of why cats are so compelling in films very interesting. Do you think this partially explains the enormous popularity of non-professional cat shorts on the internet?

In all fairness, Nick does not behave like a vigilante. He has also sent several Wesen to prison rather than just killing them. Frankly, removing this guy's manipulative power was probably about the worst thing you could have done to him, and I have a feeling things are not going to go to well for him in prison.

As someone who watches the show with a 10 year old, I find that just covering her eyes occasionally works fine whenever anyone has sex or gets bisected. She was a bit upset that totally adorable frogs kept getting eaten, though.

Everyone in the commentariat seems well aware of the Juliette problem, but I'll put in my two cents anyway. While I can see how a person with her supposed expertise might fit into the Scooby gang (if they brought her back to the end of season one where she seemed to have some scientific acumen and knowledge of

Totally respecting your pedantry there.

As a kid I always assumed that "Hogan's Heroes" was a "Stalag 17" spin off in which they just played up the comedic elements, which sounds weird now, because why would I be thinking that as a kid. Surprised to find that it was not.

This is a particularly literary virus. It's an aphasia transmissible via speech. You can't really get any more ripe for deconstruction than that. So it's an intensely literary, intensely experimental, intensely violent work.

I agree Pontypool was good, but I highly recommend reading the book it was based on, "Pontypool Changes Everything" by Tony Burgess. The book was outstanding. By necessity the movie only covers a small part of it. This is not a gripe about the movie, which I enjoyed, just a further recommendation.

Totally enjoyed visiting Grimm filming locations in Portland, because that is what you do when you have a 10 year old Grimm fan for a daughter. She was disappointed that the Spice Shop is not actually a spice shop, just an empty store front. Live and learn. Portland rocks!

We enjoyed it a bit more than it deserved because my ten year old daughter just yesterday said she was hoping they would do a Rumpelstiltskin episode in reference to Adalind's baby (which actually could have worked). I agree that the spinning crappy code into gold worked pretty well as a metaphor, and I liked the

Some are better than others, but your point is well made. To really understand this, though, we would need to know how the wesen came to be in the first place. Since there are wesen that represent a hybrid of human and non-mammals, it suggests some sort of horizontal transmission of genetic traits (like transposable

Toward the end of last season we saw her really investigating some unusual occurrences, like the DNA in the sample of mountain man hair she recovered from the scene of an attack on a horse. She was acting not only as a pretty competent vet, but as a reasonably inquisitive scientist. I was hoping they would bring her

Regarding the bad CGI, I guess everyone has their own limits. Since there is no right way for a guy's head changing into a fly's head to look (since this is something that can not actually happen, and I have not done a lot of thinking of how something like that would look if it were to happen), I guess I cut it some

I remember back when I had satellite and could watch these things on something like a regular basis being really shocked at the extremes of quality in the SciFi (back then) output. On the one hand you had BSG, which was the best thing anywhere on television at the time, and on the other hand you had these Saturday