
I saw former (albeit brief) A-lister Kelly McGillis starring in one that featured a giant crocodilian, and supermodel Carol Alt was in "Snakehead Terror". I was sure that they both must have lost a bet.

Sergeant Wu rocks. I was just thinking how I wish the people who showed up at crime scenes where I have been a victim (robberies) were that intelligent, competent and witty (and also as attractive as pretty much anyone in the cast, but I would settle for intelligent and competent).

When are we going to get a marsupial Wesen? When we do, I really hope it's a wombat.

I assumed that tears must be an addiction, like a drug, not the creature's sole source of nourishment. Speaking as someone who teaches intermediary metabolism, I am confident that there are definitely not enough calories in tears to support a creature of that size, particularly not one who is active and warm blooded.

Did they know that the transmission was through spitting? I know that the (awesome cool) lab woman implied that it was probably not through a bite, but the actual transmission vector was unknown until Nick experienced it. They did not witness the other attacks.

Agreed. I really like that this woman did not play the victim, protected herself and fought back (like jerodast points out below), but I really wonder how you explain that she was able to kill the perp when there were two police officers in the residence, and, oh, he happens to be missing an eye. That said, Renard is

The worms coming our of the eye sockets thing was the part where I threw my hand up in front of my daughter's eyes (having already watched the full episode ahead of time). It was creepy enough to give a 10 year old nightmares, I think, which is to say, appropriate for a supernatural police procedural show.

I actually liked the "What kind of spice shop are you running" line. I can't tell from the review whether Kevin found this amusing or not, but my whole family laughed.

Looking forward to watching next week's episode in PORTLAND, and visiting some of the filming locations with my daughter. Spring break! WOO HOO!

So this was the first time I was ever first, and I suppose the last. Oh well.

Thanks. I'll check it out.

And I suppose you have also never heard of someone speaking in jest. This is perhaps not something one encounters when critiquing pop culture? Everything must be deadly serious all the time what with the reviewing TV shows about supernatural police proceedings and such. That said, isn't it true that many, many people

Maybe you would enjoy it more if your were LESS familiar with the source material. Also, watch it in a smaller screen and then the bad CGI won't bother you.

They look almost indistinguishable from one another in that photo.

Wow. The cat "talking" effect is just as bad as advertised. I mean, just, wow. Are you sure this not some kind of social psychology experiment?

While I disagree with some of your assessment of IV, V and VI, I do agree that II has some fun bits and III is really not that bad (except for any scene between Anakin and Padme where he is not killing her). It's just a few edits away from being quite good (and it really gets me when the clones turn on the Jedi).

Um, technically it's just highly unlikely for the hormones to gather in the blood (and thus spill into the urine) to a sufficient degree for that to be the case. You really need 25-50 mlU/ml HCG to be detectable in the ruin (a non-pregnant woman starts at 5), and that may take as little as two weeks but often longer

I think the fact that she reacted with such concern when Nick started showing signs of the "purification" indicates that she has not been let in on what's going on. I am going to give the writers the benefit of the doubt and assume that Juliet is in such bad shape emotionally at this point that she will go along with

Supernatural explanations would be fine (although in theory she is no longer a hexenbeast). I think it's not too unusual for TV shows to ignore the normal rules of pregnancy and other medical tests. But the fact remains simply based on her behavior, the paternity of her child is questionable.

It is not clear to me that the baby is Renard's. It could be his brother's. Pregnancy tests don't turn quite that quickly (unless that was supposed to be weeks later).