
I caught the first half of an episode of this a few weeks back. It's certainly not all that funny, but damn if Terry Crews doesn't sell his enthusiasm for these clips, and the people getting hurt in them, and encouraging the crowd to vote for their favorite.

I'm on a console, too, so that's helpful to know. I have to admit, there's a part of me that figures as long as they aren't attacking me, what do I care? Some hero, I know.

Yeah, I'm itching to play it in a more exploratory way. Maybe halfway through my quest I'll have a midlife crisis, wave goodbye to the wife and kids and just start wandering aimlessly across the countryside. And thus ends the history of Tamriel.

I read through the other thread and was starting to doubt my love for Origins, but then I read this and it all came flooding back to me. A lot of it doesn't make a lot of rational sense—particularly the political angle, and the Landsmeet—but I still really loved playing it, probably because I don't mind knocking the

I'm still playing What the hell am I doing? It doesn't seem like it's going to end anytime soon, even with a marriage coming up, but it's not all bad. Besides, from my experience, every game I've ever played ends up with the protagonist winning in the end, so there's always that.

I've started playing Skyrim again recently; I got about a quarter of the way through it (though it's hard to judge) my first time around. This time, I've been trying to play it in a more "linear" fashion than I usually play open world games, especially of the Bethesda kind. I tend to love wandering and exploring and

Maybe not a quest, but I really liked the denouement with Conrad Verner in Mass Effect 3. Apparently, a lot depends on what you did with him in the first game(?), but I liked the meta humor of him needing obscure items or information that Shepard just so happens to have (assuming you did the requisite busy-work side

I still have this game in its shrink wrap. One of these days, one of these days…

I find this very cynical. Surely these companies would not take advantage of our insatiable desire for entertainment by squeezing us for every last cent of profit they can. This is America!

Always lay it up. Frisbee golf is no game for fly-by-night risk-taking.

I let Ashley die in the playthrough I ended up importing into the sequels, but I was kind of disappointed in how dull Kaidan ended up being by ME3. Maybe Ashley wasn't so endearing in ME1, but I feel like she might have ended up being a more interesting squad member by the time #3 rolled around. Does a Paragon

That's just the number they need to hit to initiate the Rapture. They're on a good pace so far.

Part 4,823,391 of our 11,369,888-part series, "Fox News Anchor Says Dumb Thing."

So the answer is to convince people that measles is a scary foreign disease from Africa, and they'll be on board with vaccinations? Man, politics is easy!

Well, the back of a turtle is curved…go on, I'm listening.

"…we're all gonna die. Nothing we do matters." — Fyodor Douchetoevsky

Can you rewind far enough to decide not to store toilet paper on your bookshelf? Because that is a decision I think I would undo, at least before someone takes a screenshot of my bedroom.

I remember having a place in Morrowind where I stored every piece of enchanted weapon/armor I found. I tried to drop them all on their own spot on the floor, but by the time I finished playing I'd basically turned this little abode into a glistening hoarder's nightmare. Being able to move things around in Oblivion

I did that a lot, too. By my third playthrough, it had become a little grueling, but I just couldn't stop.

Walkin'. Walkin' walkin' walkin' walkin' walikin'. The game's got fast travel, but nope, I'm gonna walk. I might see something surprising, like…more rocks. And trees. And whoops, that giant just killed me. Looks like I'll have to reload and walk, walk, walk some more. Carriages? No thanks, it's walkin' for me.