
525,600 minutes
how do you spend a year in the life?

I worked with a guy who used to run his elderly dad downtown to the VA all the time, and they'd get hassled by the ladies coming in and heading out asking for a "good time".

with a CEEment pond and a whole mess of critters!

I thought Bat Beyond was on Saturday?
and I recall Jeopardy being on later, after Oprah, but if Wheel still retains the same 6:30 slot between news and primetime it's held for…ever, then I guess Trebek WAS on before Oprah at 4?

wait, is Edie crossdressing again, or did Steve finally come out?

This gives me an idea! If we band together and demand more pay, less hours, breaks for nourishment and such, and less kinder running amok on the workroom floors when they, or at least the girlchildren, should be at home learning necessary housekeeping skills like sewing and child rearing, or dare I even say, going to

Plan a heist with your progeny - Diamonds
Sure, it touches on a couple things included here, but several items listed are repeats. anywho, post-stroke Kirk Douglas talks his son Dan Aykroyd and grandson (Corben Allred) into one last family road trip before going into a home, but it's a pretense to find some hidden

you're pronouncing Sade wrong again.

Worst Bad Lipsynch EVER.

Botany Bay…? BOTANY BAY!
Ve haff to get out of here!

He's yuir Pepsi, Mr Jackson.

No more Irish!

It's like Roseanne said "Sex or violence, DJ. You have to pick one."

I watched Belushi in the first ep of "Show me a hero" last night.
he still does good drama, but I could care less about the racial profiling and housing segregation in 80s Yonkers. not bothering with the other five eps.

Haas been in a lot of movies.

please don't put Homer down like that, comparing him with creeps like Trump.

Danny & Spence FOREVER!!!!

Where do you think they got all those Koenig clones?

I'm fapping as hard as I can!!!

Have you met David "Tenth Doctor aka Barty Crouch…JUNIOR!" Tennant?