
Justice League Mortal totally rocked my socks off and cold-cockblocked that lame Marvel snoozefest.
Tom Cruise is NO Iron Man.
but Wesley will always be Panther to me! what was this trash about him playing that loser Blade? LOL


"My greatest bleakness is the crippling depression whenever I think about anything for too long. like this question.

can we have Tudyk too?
only reasons to watch, other than the occasional Meadows cameo.

everyone needs to display Mapplethorpe in their front entry.


I think that's where those rumors about him being gay/bi come from. He just sells that so well.

"Mouth Jewelry!"

yeah, I added hola the other day, still nothing.

That's why he's the greatest assassin to ever live. You don't know you're dead until you see him, and by then, it's already toofgaj]n

Sorry, Barry Bostwick will always be FDR: AMERICAN BADASS to me.


then she will consume his power. ULTIMATE POWER! [evil cackle]

This also assumes that all of these actors have "interns". nope, just agents, and like Chris said, he was sitting in a fast food parking lot in an SUV with a friend. not exactly platinum swimming pools to piss in, y'know? Random Roles is a mix of phone and actual sit down interviews, depending on schedules. you can

Dikachu would be all over that.

and almost a gay porn name: Tightass Wellover

this would have been 66% better if they used that distorted theme song at the end throughout the clip.

Isn't her dad some high muckety muck? that's probably 90% of why she never showed right there.

uh, it's not just Grant who sings. Jesse was in Rent. also, this.

Track down Parallels, it's like the Canadian Sliders, only instead of a "remote", it's a whole building, covered in graffiti about what Earths NOT to visit, like they're actually got sign outside saying "Welcome to Earth 94857, Enjoy your stay OR DIE!!!"