
And I'm on the wrong profile. Again. FML 👿

Did some damp geisha hurl a katana his way?

who do you think was changing all the traffic lights?

He abandoned a concert to attack some guy for taking his picture at St Louis (ok, more St Charles, as it's in Maryland Heights, and it will ALWAYS be) Riverport amphitheatre back in early 90s.

it's probably just a Hot Wheel. or a trip back to his hotel in a Lyft.

"Canoeing on the Mississippi" - what, because no one would get "floating the Mississippi"? eh, they would probably take it literally, wouldn't they?

Sam the SLayer!!

well, it was a "damn fine blowjob"….

"Status Quo of frat culture"?

You were great on Wonder Years!

you're so 1990
and it's 1994.

it's a deep subject.
for shallow people.

She probably just googled "gay sex advice column".
then did six Hail Marys for "googling", and ten more for the results before she hit enter.

Imagine the horror they put her in of trying to explain the "accidental" mixed race grandbabies to their neighbors!

Try having a leg and arm that barely work most of the time. You'll start appreciating auto transmissions then!

I guess there's a small chance she was texting her plan to blow up the office…

I hear that DeVry Institute is a good one?

yup. more people on MySpace/Facebook/elsewhere know me by this name. When FB forced me to use my "legal name" last year, several people started asking who the hell I was. Several people outright deleted/defriended me.

you tell her, SteveDave!

try having to fight four years for disability before you're 40.
and you have several grandparents who lived to mid-late 80s and one made it to 90. no wonder I'm so depressed.