
yup, he gave his FB followers spoiler free rundowns for several scenes.

and don't forget Jim Beaver!
he gave us a rundown of the party scene (dinner and dance) every night after filming, and pretty sure that's him in the beard turning, when she says "has anyone ever died in this house?"

or at least turn her vocal down a couple notches.


and what little they have was bungles right out of the gate.
"Only Five years of heroes" = 4 Robins, mixed signals on how many Titans teams existed (4 vs NONE), and most of the Bat and GL stories, esp of the last two decades, were untouched aside form a few tweaks. There's still confusion as to if Superman died or

You missed the fact that the X-Men were barely in Civil War, didn't you? I think Logan and maybe Beast, who had previous Avengers ties were involved, but that was it. They even addressed this in the comic, here Tony came to recruit Cyclops, and he laughed in Tony's face over how much help the Avengers had given them

I had a friend mention on FB the other night that he just watched a Superman movie. I'm still not sure, because he mixed up facts from both Routh and Cavill. Another of his friends chirped up he was done with all superhero movies when he read that Superman gave up his citizenship.

because comic making it into double digits at certain publishers are a rare breed, these days.

Don't forget, Jen is pretty much Shulkie 24/7 with rare moments of being Jennifer Walters. Bruce hulks out when he stubs his toe and it doesn't leave him much time to change.

and Chekhov's son.

needs more Baraqisis Ebolaghazi

It was written on the bathroom wall at Denton High!

doggie style?

"well, first we were looking for water sports, then we decided to have a lemon cake party…."

maybe the parents own/run/work at a sex shop?

I'm wondering less about the porn and more about the fact he's 15 and already turned in his v-card and thinks he has a kink.

another somatization somatificationist?

glad I wasn't the only one thinking "TANK GIRL!" on reading that plot.

the White Samuel L Jackson?

Speaking of "body of work, he slept with several of the "I'm Still Standing" video cast. so saith Pop-Up Video.