
Harry Knowless?

Hey now, Savage Dik was LAST NIGHT!

Whatever happened to "Dinner for Five"? Was he ever on it?

We stole Steve Page in retaliation for Beeber.

glad to see I wasn't alone in that confusing paragraph. I had to read it three times to finally get get it.

I met him about year and a half ago, and he's quite intelligent, hilarious, and pretty self-deprecating. Esp as his father gave him his "unique look", thanks to being a brain surgeon. #TrueStory

You leave Andy alone!! Hes the REAL brains behind that outfit!

Highlander I is good, pretty flawless for the time.

wait that's it? I had to triple check there wasn't a p2 like we used to have. :/

your dad wasn't a cop, was he?

and a fire hose.

Oh. Muh GAWD. Beck-Y!

hell, my dad was a cop for 30 years, he rarely used blinkers. it always made me nervous when we turned onto our road, which was at the bottom of a hill ahead (w/ blind curve) and behind.

Don't Worry, Jim'll fix It!


I think we all prefer the 40-something Matt Walsh from UCB.

why not? that's the ONLY reason my dad asked my mom to marry him, guilt over popping her cherry.

one in each hand, and an extra to go in the ear!