
I'm only watching for Donal and Boot. warming up to Robin Lord Taylor, tho.

at least Jan and Gilda had cancer. not so much most of the rest of them.

pretty sure that's spelled "Boehner".


I thought Petty was the Goodman House Band?

The way Marvel's been acting over this latest F4 movie, do you really think the Mouse is going to LET them claim Namor? I don't think so.

Marrina is an ALIEN fish girl. eh.

Quinto in next five years, then I'd go with Finn Wittrock.

Beast was originally an X-Man and only an Avenger for one window of time. Plus, Fox had him in X3 before the Avengers family of films, so they got him anyway.

Quinto, if they do it in the next five years. beyond that, Finn Wittrock def has the body, per AHS.

I thought Bug, Rann, and Mari were original Marvel creations? or at least Bill Mantlo creations for Marvel?

He's older than FF and has just as many ties with Avengers and, in the last few years, the X-Men.

Why Marvel hasn't pimped out the Pack as the next MLPonies is beyond me. Not sure how the latest anime Titans is doing for DC, but PP could blow them out of the water for the kiddies.

The original is over a year old, it's only been updated with GotG.

Primary protagonist rules. This is why Skrulls are with F4, where they appeared first despite having moved on to the general MU long ago, and Avengers had "Chitauri" aka "Ultimate Skrulls". At least they didn't get caught up in the X-rights.

sometimes, you just need to shake your pompoms.

my last job, they banned all smokers inside the building. No biggie, as they already had a couple picnic tables under one of those Sears carport stands/tents/?? for them.

Dammit Janet!

this is why we require pics.

Don't talk with our mouth full!!