
aka "I Now Pronounce You Chuck & Larry".


You never go ass to mouth, Randall!

no cheerleaders? FOUL!

unless you've been there, you know NOT to fight the dead ex stuff. If I started dating someone and she saw mine on my FB or computer (all 'G') and told me that, I'd tell her to GTFO. I'll throw anything you left out after you.

adds Social Security to The List.

and kinja/disqus/widfyre lost my FlamingMundt. again.

Like the others are saying, DON'T DO IT!
esp this soon after the break up. for all you know, she's looking to cheat as an excuse to put the final nail in the previous relationship's coffin.

Try living in a hotbed area like St Louis, right now. you can't get away from it. I try to ignore most of it, but there are a few I've dropped as "friends" and no desire to contact again. Esp the idiots who promote the shitbag Ted Nugent as "being in the right". THAT was an instant BLOCK.

I think my sister killed my cat and almost killed hers with a flea bomb last year. :(

yup. I worked with someone in the 90s who had a "bite" on the back of her leg. doctor didn't think anything of it, even tho she suggested brown recluse. it only got worse, because she was right and he wouldn't do anything until her leg muscle started caving in. She has had a divot in her calf for two decades, now.

TfSNHFYAGWAPI is quite a mouthfull.

Once? Does Santorum ring any bells?

I am not revolting!

Hey, at least your area isn't under martial law like downtown St Louis!

now we know what the movie will be about!

I haven't been able to watch Gilligan's Island since someone told me about Skipper and now I can't unsee Alan's boys hanging down to his knees in every shot. Seriously. any promo shot that shows him and includes his inner left thigh….BOOM.

Is it bigger on the inside?

Don't Blink!
