
is the LPSG still around? I know Jonah Falcon was on there for a bit.

This is why I stopped counting at 29.

Does NG era Marina Sirtis count?

This one time, in band camp….

I have a partial cleft palate….he said of no appropriateness whatsoever.

I know one, but I'd have to ask his husband first.

tl;dr: Dear Penthouse: HAT TRICK!

we got a "surprise snow day" today. does that count?

who got run over?

Wait, one of those twins from Big Daddy, hell, the nephew on ROSEANNE is legal age now??


Well, we've got Wildcat on Arrow, and his son Tommy got name checked on there….

DC's Serenity Agents of TARDISuperlock

He makes a better DC villain than a Heroes villain.

Girder, even if they did just copy/paste the same "powers".

They've already shot RF scenes a good month ago, on a pretty much closed set, but an article today (Newsarama?) said he pulls the same vibrating trick with Bary and no one will be able to tell who he is.

I kept waiting for he to be name dropped in "Plastique"! LOL

They created Ralph to pair with Barry because someone (Infantino? Gardner?) wasn't sure if DC had the rights to Plas or not. Turns out they did. oops?

Grant and Al aren't "distant cousins".

Atom Smasher - Al Rothstein
Damage - Grant Emerson
Fire - Bea DaCosta
Firestorm - Ronnie Raymond (+2)