
….I got nothin'. :/

so compare it to Toys and Popeye. better? worse? meh?

but Glen's day's are numbered…?


Keep Abraham, lose Eugene and Gabriel. and Judith. she def needs to go ASAP.

……sagen sie was?

Obviously, he's not a golfer.

yup. and Maggie is SOL, as we'll see next week.

So where lies True Blood? Sixth?

that's my MAJOR nitpick with the show: paper mache skulls.

Gabriel - hope you had your tetanus, dude. hasta.

His name was Bob Lamson!

"I liked their spatulas so much, I bought the company."

he was and it is.
common friends are now realizing how much of one he's really been all this time, and that was before the estate was settled.
He used stupid ass reasons to disqualify two of us, like I should have been "pre-approved for disability before I quit my job". IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY!! and my sister (also

Kentucky only makes the finest of jellies!

well, I have a friend who worked on an army base all week, then Friday thru Sunday nights, went home to his wife…who lived with two other guys. in a two bedroom trailer. one of whom briefly dated one of their daughters. (yeah, I didn't ask too much about that one.)

pics or it did(n't) happen!!

I had a panic moment yesterday wen I saw AV Club was no longer on my MyYahoo homepage.

closest I ever got was stopped by a friend's after work on the way home to pick up some comics I had left over the weekend. I found out his wife was out grocery shopping with kids after he took a minute to get to the door. While he went in his bedroom to get them, I saw a stack of three VHS tapes on top the

or she could do what my dad did: primary executor of the estate was also firstborn.
guess how many ways a six-figure sale of the property went?