
Early Roseanne to Melissa McCarthy.

it's….Bob Ross?

I'm almost scared to ask my cousin and her wife or the friend who is a stereotypical, self described "bull dyke in a china shop" living in SF. (literally a stone's throw from the Bay, it seems?)

bitch, bitch, bitch, that's all you ever are.

Mother, Mother, all the blood runs red!
Don't roll over, Don't play dead!

My only complaint is losing my original account two weeks back, while still being able to keep my name. I'm still trying to figure out how to change the profile pic?

We can comment on Savage Dik now?
I've got a baaaaad feeling about this shit!

WTF - ggg gal and he turns on her for doing what he fantasized? is he bipolar? I get it may just be a surprise, and she should have hinted beforehand how close it was to happening, but this does sound like there was more going on for a mood swing that severe.



why the FUCK am I still random and not Burning Karl Mundt?? #FUCKINGFACEBOOKDOWN

wait, so is "double reed" better than clarinet and trumpet?
not that I'm offering, but I still remember how to play both from 5-6th grade. iykwimaityd. ;)

doooo eeet!


also, Brian is looking more and more like his da. really noticeable in his Primeval appearance and SWatH.

Bill 2.0. the part was recast with Domhnall from the earlier movie.

Go check out I Went Down. It is HILARIOUS.

Tiger's Tail is Boorman, too? Great movie, and I mentioned in my reply (below?) that his son Brian/Briain (pretty sure he's "Briain" here) is in it as well as his brother playing his body double in several scenes.

It's hard to find on dvd at retail, but one of my Walmarts had it about two years ago when they had their seasonal dvd rack full of Irish (and Scoots) themed movies for St Pat's Day. I think it was more because there was a big lull between Valentines and Easter that year?

Not sure if euphemism or you're mother's been telling you stories about me again?