phil riley

Jimmy Fallon dances and sings, acts in sketches, and in general is relentlessly upbeat and energetic.

So this is Season Six and Sue will be graduating from high school this year.
I guess they are setting it up for Axl and Sue to attend the same college so they can both be home a lot, but dear god will they be laboring to keep that premise up for long.

I feel like the A- grade and the positive review are all about how well the show was produced. Problem is, after Reggie's new theme song, it wasn't funny at all.
Eddie George was very comfortable for non-comedian/actor, but comfort isn't funny.
The Sports Center parody was dead-on visually but none of it was amusing.

Last week's review was all about Ayla not getting any camera time. This week, Ayla is in the Top Two and she still is an afterthought on the show.

No BMs but we did someone take a piss.

George Costanza thinks you would.

That was co-creator Will McCormack as the guy who showed Zelda her NYC office.

Why do these two-fers get categorized under The Goldbergs when The Middle has seniority?

Like Haley has any idea what a fax machine is.

Holy shit that kid looked like a mini Dax Shepherd

Will there be a better "cut-to-commercial" joke in 2015 than Jolene II suddenly wandering into the camera shot without explanation?

A little weird that two of the stories involved daytime muggings. (Gloria had been robbed in the park, and Mitchell was assaulted in the underpass.)
Is suburban LA in 2015 the equivalent of early-80s NYC?

HOT !!

The joke would have been better without the inclusion of Rocket.

MCJr, we can't miss you if you don't go away. #new2soon

"Also, how exactly did Maggie’s boyfriend discern that she was in love
with Jim given that they dated for approximately 17 hours? (Seriously,
though, it’s only been a couple weeks, right?)"

Yeesh! C+?
It was funny.
Get over it, Kyle.

Was I mistaken or did the school newspaper identify Lunchlady Doris as Lunchlady Dora? Did anyone else notice?

Great episode. Best of this season. Started a little slow but the build up to the end was worth it. Very funny farce at the end. Great use of guest stars. Solid Grade A.

Haven't read the review yet to see the justification of the C+ grade, but I thought this was an excellent and powerful episode.