phil riley

We just direct each other to watch porn

I doubt that they went to all the trouble to re-cast Euron and introduce him in a big scene last week just to kill him off this week

PTSD not cowardice

You figure in an army of men without dicks that word of oral sex would break out eventually

Arya meant that Nymeria was not her pet any more. Just like Arya is not the same person that Cersei and Jon last saw in season 1. Arya is recognizing that she can return to winterfell but she is not the same person and "going home" may not be so easy.

One of the all-time funniest SNL sketches is the first Debbie Downer Sketch when the entire cast starts laughing so hard they are crying. Just the image of Horatio Sanz wiping his eyes with waffles

The "semi-sarcastic song" is I Dig Rock-n-Roll Music by Peter, Paul and Mary. The Burnett version is a pretty straightforward cover of a song that was a top-ten single in 1967.

I liked Joe slamming the hood on Jay's hand. Maybe next time it can be Manny's head.

Why would he think he had to stick his dick in the hole? Nobody else was sticking their junk in the hole.

I think Rudnitsky missed his cue and wasn't at the stage for his entrance to the sketch.
First time I can ever remember seeing that on SNL.

"If there’s something consistent about Gotham it’s that, from week to week, the show remains jumbled. Gotham is often a mess of subplots and character motivations, the show failing to find a way to make everything cohere."

It was pretty weird that they added the actress as a regular this year, then Emily did not appear much, and now Raj has dumped her. Clearly, the writers had no plan about this.

Please, Michelle, for the love of God stop watching!

I was surprised that the duck eggs weren't just a throw-away in the last episode.
The made a good story out of the eggs for this episode and we will have to see what the future holds.
I thought the Phil/Lily pairing was a good one. Luke and Mitch too.

As everyone complains that we don't see enough of Cam and Mitchell being physical, how are we to know what makes their relationship work. Maybe Cam being a flirt lights Mitchell's fire in the bedroom.

"In my review of last week’s Modern Family,
I mentioned that the episode suffered from a lack of focus and
attention to detail. The storylines felt so out there, so chaotic, that
it was hard to grasp onto a central theme or narrative, never mind find
some laughs amongst the mess. This week’s episode doesn’t fare much

Where does Amy Schumer "lean on the conceit that she is OVERLOOKED"?
The point is that she specifically, and women in general, are being JUDGED.


I think that's unfair. Contrary to the stereotype, Dave never pursued women based on their looks.
I believe part of the reason the public was forgiving after the revelation of his at-work affairs was because people recognized that he was not some horn-dog just chasing sexy bimbos.

Is this some insane lie that the media feels they have to tell the public about aging?
Letterman is almost 70 years old. He has a wife and a child and a fortune.
Is it somehow untoward or unbelievable that he would just go away and live out his days in privacy?