phil riley

I think it is very cute that Ally Harris is so proud of having paid attention to the whole episode. Good for her!

I loved the Kings using the AMC joke as a way to poke fun at The Good Wife's audience and The Good Wife's competition.

You can say what you want about Lohan, but I think she is one of the most beautiful actresses in her 40s around.

I guess I'd have to watch the show to understand how having her movie part upgraded from cameo to speaking lines makes her a model, not an actress.
However I doubt I want to understand that badly.

Adam and Crosby and Julia and Sarah should all get together and pool their money and buy the old homestead from Zeek and Camille. (6 ands in that sentence)

How stupid is ABC that they wouldn't put this show, and this episode in particular, on after Modern Family instead of that horrible Mixology.

That page appears to located in a very secret place.

If this article inspires some WB nostalgia, here's something to look at:

I'm wondering how Better Call Saul has decided that Freaks and Geeks is a sitcom.

To Todd VanDerWerff


If you don't know what DP is meant to be an abbreviation for in a sexual context, then the joke has no meaning for you. It's not even a double entendre.

It is not ironic. It is completely consistent.
The DP joke was entirely dependent on the viewer's imagination, just like Cam and Mitchel's sex life.

Isn't there a movie called Searching For Debra Winger?

Two days ago I was in the grocery store and saw CORN RELISH on sale. Thought about this movie for the first time in a long time. Curious coincidence.

Yuna Kim: Korea’s Sweetheart (Korea, now): If Kim wins tonight’s gold, she will become only the second woman in history to win two gold medals in consecutive Olympics.

I'm sure this joke has been done many times, but the thought of a guy settling in to watch a romantic movie with a woman, and then putting on Deliverance, is pretty amusing.

It's been nominated for Best Comedy Series once, and never been nominated for a writing Emmy. NPH is the only one ever nominated for an acting Emmy, but has never won.

Hollywood Reporter interview today says that they've been paying her for every episode so she would be available every week whenever they needed her.

The sweet melancholy of this episode made me consider that a better possibility