Ricky Coogin

Otis. Plug it in.

I always thought "Rick Daggett" would make a great name for a late-1980s action hero.

Don't forget Dutch's compatriot, Blain.

"Jack Thorne" sounds like the name for an action movie hero.

No joke, I originally pronounced it "inks." I wasn't a big MTV watcher as a kid.

In the second film , in the first "Termovision" shot, the Terminator's HUD display misidentifies a Ford LTD Crown Victoria as a "Plymouth sedan."

The reason people upvoted my comment and found it funny is because 26-year-olds rarely are interested in 48-year-olds. I found it improbable that the IP would adhere to social rules regarding dating someone much younger if they actually had the opportunity to do so.

Whenever this guy's name comes up, I'm reminded of that scene in Entourage when Ari is horrified to find out that his assistant Lloyd has come to work dressed in plus-fours and an argyle sweater vest, like a 1930s golfer, and he asks Ari if he likes his "Andre 3000 look."

What is the worst Beatles song ever? I'd nominate "Birthday."


Doesn't Bruce Leroy catch the bullet or stop it in midair or something?

Isn't spotted dick like the English equivalent of cinnamon buns?

And the seventh inning is the Beer Inning.

That argument only works if "Latino" were a term like "Negro" or "colored" that is so old-fashioned that nobody but a senior citizen would use it without irony.

Not all Latinos use the term "Latinx" and I'm guessing plenty of them would find the term silly and unnecessary. It's ridiculous to assume that because "Latino" is the general term, it's a subtle slur against Latina women.

It's silly, the same as how they started using the word "womyn" back in the '70s to prove that women are not merely an extension of men. I don't see how the word "Latino" disregards all women to the point where they need to invent a new word just so everyone knows that we value Latina women, too.

I have never see the show, but ads are on all the buses here and my eye always gravitates to Kat Dennings's sleepy sexy eyes. And her boobs.

They started to lose me at "Latinx."

I recall Roger Ebert said, in his review of Patch Adams, that if he was in the hospital and somebody came in dressed like a clown, he'd hit them and take his chances with the courts.

I hope the brunette is the one that lives.