Ricky Coogin

Also "genius" and "ingenious".

When Dafoe played his scenes, the director asked him to do three separate takes: one where he knew Patrick was the killer, one where he didn't know, and one where he wasn't sure. Then all three takes were edited together so you can't really tell what he's thinking.

This is that one "Shark Tank" star who keeps wanting to tell me the smartest way to pay off a loan is to go to a lead-generating website with some suspicious name like "The Money Store," right?

I think it was just some nonsense word Smith came up with…though I wonder how many people caught "he can speak English but he don't talk it good like we do."

I admit I did laugh when I saw a TV ad and the "little man" shrieked in horror when his "father" decided the two of them should take a bath together.

Come on. When you're 48, if some 26-year-old is interested in you, you're going to say, "No, that's just not right. I'd rather date someone my own age. Someone who is 48 years old, and not getting any younger."


I don't think The Last Dragon had any guns in it, and that's…well, it's no classic, but there it is.

Hey, his lawyers said the sex tape was doctored like in that movie Little Man.

"Are we talking consequence-free environment here?"

Augustus…save some for later!

Denise, Denise, oh with your eyes so blue
Denise, Denise, I've got a crush on you
Denise, Denise, I'm so in love with you

When I worked for a dermatologist in Beverly Hills, I used to send The Beek Propecia. I even got to talk to him on the phone (about his prescription) once.

Everyone in movies learns the same lesson: "Be yourself…being 'different' is the greatest thing on Earth."

I remember how they said it was going to revolutionize transportation and change all our lives. Now the only people who use them are meter maids and the occasional tour group.

"Why would you think I'd be into making it with another girl? I'm not a

I remember reading that while most people hated that show, HBO kept it on for years because research showed that the people who liked the show subscribed to HBO specifically to watch it.

He also has a cameo in the movie…I think he's a pizza delivery guy.

Tubby says, "BAW!"
