Ricky Coogin

Perrine gave Donner a T-shirt with a topless pic of her; there's a picture of it in the Making Of book.

I thought I posted it, but when I came back to the page, it appeared as an unfinished post, so I may have posted twice. I noticed that one post got 4 upvotes and another got more than 30.

The former.

When filming, the script supervisor realized that Reeve's balls were visibly swimming when he ran, so they had to make a codpiece out of a swimmer's cap. The script supervisor was asked afterward if Superman was "dressed to the left or the right" that day.

Fun Superman mustache fact: When they were getting ready to film the first movie, Gene Hackman had a mustache that he was quite attached to. Richard Donner told him that he would shave off his own mustache if Hackman would do it, too. Hackman allowed the make-up man to shave him……then Donner peeled off the fake

Fun Superman mustache fact: When they were getting ready to film the first movie, Gene Hackman had a mustache that he was quite attached to. Richard Donner told him that he would shave off his own mustache if Hackman would do it, too. Hackman allowed the make-up man to shave him……then Donner peeled off the fake

The Inhumans are the programmers at CNN who insist on autoplaying a loud video when I'm trying to read an article. I won't even go on the site anymore.

I hate strip clubs as well and I had a friend who really loved them for awhile. I hated the women coming up and pretending I was their boyfriend to get me to pay for a dance. I don't resent them for it, but it made me uncomfortable.

I think prayer is pretty silly as well, but witchcraft? You're taking this woman seriously when she says "I put a hex on the President"?

I don't recall if they were that attractive or not…I did sit with my friend in the main room when they bring all the girls out and you pick one, which made me blanch.

"My photo of Bigfoot is a different story."

Without looking it up, isn't the term based on a famous London mental hospital?

My uncle regularly buys a 4-H animal at the county fair. The one we always remember is a pig named Elvis.

Got a whale of a fine to pay now, lad
A whale of a fine or two
'Bout the nuclear waste and the whales I love
And nights like this with the moon above
A whale of a fine and it's all true
I swear by my subpoena

You're right. It was wrong of me to suggest that people listen to her to a large extent because she's attractive. And it's also wrong to claim that anyone who says, without irony, that they are using witchcraft to put a hex on the President, should not be taken seriously.

Pffff…sounds like James Cromwell is just a wannabe Steve-O.

Fuck it. Let's make him gay, female, and American just to show everyone they can't tell us what to do!


I'm planning on the main title of Dumbo being played at my funeral. It has a calliope solo!

I went to the Chicken Ranch in Pahrump (I know you won't believe me, but my friend got fucked while I hung out at the bar because I'm not interested in prostitutes), but there were no clowns there.