Ricky Coogin

It's Rex Manning Day!

Boy, does Michelle Forbes have a pretty smile.

Is it still abhorrent if they're burning up Chicken Soup for the Soul books and the novels of Snooki from Jersey Shore?

That's only true with Julianne Moore.

His reputation is so bad he has to get auto insurance for his lawnmower.


To his credit, Jim turned down a part as Bluto's brother Blotto when they turned Animal House into a TV show.

He should be out of jail by now. In the last column, he got pulled over for speeding and the cop found some weed in his car and also had a bench warrant after he skipped court on paying an old speeding ticket.

I gave up on him after laughing in the theatre as one character said he had been accused of raping an infant. We get it, Todd…everybody is a total scumbag and perverted and selfish and nobody is ever happy unless they're destroying someone else's life.

Just remind her that if it wasn't for the show, she'd still be slinging hash in that shithouse and fucking her boss.

I think it would make a good movie if the main character felt remorse for what they did, giving the curse during a moment of anger and then having to watch helplessly while the other person's life fall completely apart.

I meant I have to meet my buds in class. I'd better go.

Every year or two there's some new study that confirms that people are more likely to date attractive people and that attractive people also have advantages when it comes to getting jobs. Even more shocking, attractive people prefer to date other attractive people.

She doesn't need to be making this much money. She has a husband.

Iced tea is often used as a replacement for whiskey.

What's really fascinating is that someone found out a way to make a living by analyzing comic books and reporting stuff that's not really shocking.

The media tended to use the picture from her White House security badge, which was a terrible picture of her.

Kicked a dog to death after spraying him with mace.

But there's always the healing power of rock and roll.

If it beat out Chewbacca Mom, I'm satisfied.