Ricky Coogin

Like in The Green Mile where there's not just a bully in the cell block, but a bullying nursing home worker.

I loved that King took some time to detail why Henry is a racist and why his family's bad luck strengthened it. The death of Mike's dog was another hard part to get through.

I figure Hockstetter's death by flying leeches that quickly drain his blood was King's atonement for writing about his systematic killing of animals.

A plump girl who was proud of her curves and wore things that were even a bit too small to show off her size was amazingly sexy in the pre-Internet days. I would never get along with someone like her, but she really was sexy in her own way.

The toughest story for me to read was "Fair Extension." It's not even a good story, but the horrific situations King imposes on one of his characters, to the amusement of another, was hard to take. King mentioned in the afterword of the anthology, Full Dark, No Stars, that some of it was hard to write.

The quote is referencing an earlier statement that, like balloons at the circus, the corpses of children also float in the sewers of Derry.

Lohan really is a disappointment. I have a major weakness for pale freckly redheads and she was gorgeous AND talented, but I wonder if living with her is like living with My Crazy Friend, an alcoholic who throws up every morning.

If they want to make it a feature of 2-3 hours, step one is get rid of the adult characters. There's no need for them. Make it a period piece about the kids. There's plenty of earlier instances in Derry history to show that this is a recurring phenomenon. With the adult characters, you have to show what each person

Let's see….Monica Lewinsky, Ivanka Trump, Lindsay Lohan…

This is her at the 1993 Oscars, probably her peak:

I love his passages about Henry and his father. We see how miserable Henry's life is.

ANS is probably #1 on my list of Women I'm Embarrassed to be Attracted to.

"We don't need Gable and Lombard! We have Holmes and Bovee!"

It should be "You'll float, too."

My first semester of college.

I saw The Naked Gun 33 1/3 at a dollar theatre in the fall of 1995. The biggest laugh was the first time OJ appeared onscreen.

"So the boss told me to get a keg of beer for this party we're throwing for one of the guys down at the gravel pit. He just got paroled."

Hey, I'm not square, you're the one that's square. You're full of shit, man. What are you talking about? You walk out with those fuckin' creeps and low-lifes and degenerates out on the streets and you sell your little pussy for peanuts? For some low-life pimp who stands in the hall? And I'm square? You're the one

I just watched a guy get stabbed to death on the New York Post website.

Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell
Where the banshees live and they do live well
Stonehenge! Where a man's a man
And the children dance to the pipes of Pan