Ricky Coogin


Why did he do it? Why did he build it?
It was anybody's guess
Where'd he get the twine? What was going through his mind?
Did it just seem like a good idea at the time?

There was a rumor that in the last film in the series, Jar Jar would be revealed as a Sith lord and the saga's true villain.

This reminds me of when I befriended this super-dorky guy who worked for my college. We were both into film music. It was the summer of 1999 and the guy thought the funniest thing in the world…get this…would be if Darth Maul from The Phantom Menace took his double-bladed lightsaber and beheaded Jar Jar!

I think Robert Tapert, the producer, did the voice. They mention it on the DVD commentary.

I like that the lamp laughs like Popeye.

Don't forget the skunk pussies.

They could bring back Sanjaya and William Hung.

Wait till the Swede gets out of the brig, man! He'll rip his head off and dump in it!

Broads don't belong in broa…rd games.

You feel victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is: Never get involved in a land war in Asia!

Yeah, like a woman's token would be strong enough to take out a whole peninsula. The Rey token would start crying and get the Finn token to do it for her.

Obi-Wan Kenobi was called Oldie Von Moldie. Han Solo was Ham Yoyo.

During the big Metropolis battle in Superman II, Rocky made a cameo appearance, punching out one of the bad guys and telling Superman he was getting in shape for his own sequel.

I know that dude…

"Fuck Liza! This one is going to pay my heating bill!"

I hope your attempt to dress '50s worked better than mine did. I emulated Kiefer Sutherland in Stand By Me and people thought I was dressing like Michael Jackson.

Recon Platoon kicks butt!

"It's a real pussy wagon."

An article on McDonald by one of my favorite writers.