Ricky Coogin

"Laidup! Princess Laidup is my sister!"

Come to think of it, I don't have any rules. [snicker]

Russian chicks are hot. Only problem (same with Polish chicks) is a lot of them are Catholic.

I visited Poland, but it was when they were becoming part of NATO and the streets were full of soldiers with machine guns.

If you like orange soup, try this:

Always bet on black bean soup.
- Wesley Snipes

I'm the opposite. I'm no gourmet chef, but I love cooking things that take a whole day. I roast a turkey every 2-3 months, and I am only cooking for myself.

I agree. I've laughed at a lot of jokes I wouldn't support in real life. Sam Kinison had a routine where he scoffed at the dangers of drunk driving: "Yeah, like we're gonna TAKE THE BUS… Look, we're gonna drink, we're gonna drive, we're gonna PULL IT OFF." I laugh at it, but that doesn't mean I'm thinking, "Yeah,

I don't like this trend of comedians affirming people's political views. I haven't always agreed with the political or social views of comedians, but that doesn't mean I don't find them funny because I think they should be making some statement.

The Primus album was the first CD I ever bought. On my first day of high school, I wore a Primus T-shirt with the lyrics to "Seas of Cheese" on the back.

If you think AV Clubbers don't care what side of the political fence comedians sit on, you haven't been here very long. There are very strict rules for liking comedians here.

They get pretty serious about it. Like they measure height down to the quarter inch and will mention the thickness of the actor's shoe sole.

It's dated but James Dean is so good looking…

She wasn't really sexualized in Supergirl. Melissa Benoist is undeniably sexy and probably okay with some sturdy SuperGirl pics.

Geena Davis is six feet tall and looks really hot still while having broad shoulders and embracing her stature.

It didn't. I was too weird to get off from some blonde bimbo type.

Grease shows the 1950s as an overblown caricature. Note how in Rebel, the characters still dress fairly conservatively.

I love hearing the thunder and running around the dog park while Putter goes after a furry friend.

Julia Roberts looked wonderful in that scene where Peter wished her whatever and she appeared in that princess dress. She looked beautiful but I was hoping that various pale freckly redheaded types would come in and start taking on leading roles.

The dressing room scene showed me how disgusting male body hair is.