Ricky Coogin

Bloom County dealt with this already:

Miles Davis's Sketches of Spain
The Beatles' A Hard Day's Night

Every time Grant asks about "cellular mitosis," I think of being in the theatre and thinking of how I had blown questions on mitosis and meiososis on a high school exam a few weeks before.

"I sent your parents to the Bahamas. It's just you and me, P.Y.T."

"She lives for now. Kill the rest, starting with him."

It's times like us that I understand why General Zod had trouble making sense of our culture.

"We all remember Big Johnson T-shirts, back in the 1990s when it was totally cool for teenagers to advertise their sexism across their chests. Not only did these T-shirts encourage toxic masculinity, they only featured slim white women with large breasts, which no doubt led many Women of Color and plus-sized women to

You can imagine that the sarcasm-heavy, white-man’s-world of Big Dog appeals to a certain type of customer…

I have the book on hold at the library.

I have Watership Down and will probably watch it in the next week.

i bought a new edition of an old cookbook, so I started pulling pages out of the old one for new recipes. I ended up getting like four veggie recipes…currently a lentil stew is in the slow cooker. Tomorrow I'm making a veggie stew with cornmeal dumplings to help get rid of the corn meal I've had for the last eight

I thought it was more vinegary than sweet.

Has anyone read any of Terry McMillan's books from the last 10 years? I really liked her first three and then How Stella Got Her Groove Back was mostly about sex and shopping, and the reviews for A Day Late and a Dollar Short weren't very good.

Dina (Tiffany Haddish) is unphased by any such setbacks

Miracle Whip is okay though, right?

One look at that pic with him smirking while wearing a bow tie and Richard Simmons would want to beat that kid up and give him a swirlie.

"Okay, let's turn our hats around and discuss a certain team that will be riding high come basketball season…"

In This Boy's Life she plays an 18-year-old and seven years later, in Spy Kids, she was playing the mother of two kids, the oldest maybe 12 or 13.

"Unhand that swine, you swain!"

I think Ditka knows that "Coach" outranks "President."