Ricky Coogin

A few months ago, I rewatched an old favorite, This Boy's Life. She looks amazing in it.

That said, about 10 years ago, I went into a Taco Bell with my cousin. We sat down and as we were eating, I made her laugh by looking around and saying, "Jesus, look at all the fat people here. Can't they control themselves?" and then taking a huge bite of my burrito and letting it drop with a heavy THUNK onto my tray.

And to think I was kind of worried that I found Ariel attractive.

The names "Chip and Dale" from the Disney cartoons get their name from Chippendale furniture.

We went to Panchero's, home of the 2-lb burrito. I ordered one once, ate most of it, and had some of the worst diarrhea of my life about four hours later. It was in the bathroom of a Barnes and Noble at about 10 pm and I prayed nobody else would come in. I spent the next 20 minutes moaning and laughing, moaning and

All the waitresses dress like Tinkerbell….when she's in that princess dress. Some say it's a bit like Heaven.

I'm proud to say I have eaten at both the WeHo and the Hollywood branches of Roscoe's House of Chicken and Waffles.

Our hot dogs are kind of gross, too. I don't need all that pickle and sport pepper shit on there.

Yeah, no fucking shit. You know they'd never dare make that kind of remark if they reviewed a place that served authentic Mexican cuisine.

Thanks…I'm used to being the only one making fun of these guys for acting like Taco Bell is some assault on their precious GI system. I'm just surprised they didn't throw in some bullshit about how we shouldn't eat there because they've "culturally appropriated" Mexican food.

What state do you live in? Illinois sells booze at 7 in the morning, 8 on Sundays.

"Coach Ditka would just send him a VHS of Superbowl XX and that would be the end of it."

I'd rather see a movie about Warren Burger. Mmmmmm…BURGER…

Those things are damn good but they are also damned expensive even if you buy them direct from the Vienna Beef factory store.

Also RIP: Morty from Meatballs.

Why bother seeing this? They're screening Top Gun for free in the park a mile from me on Thursday. - Me

I'm hoping Mike Ditka runs for President but insists on everyone - and I mean everyone - referring to him as "Coach."

Thanks for letting me know it was playing there. I'll probably see it next week too.

Isn't most of their dialogue just silly puns? I wonder how racist the scene really is, except that crows are black birds and they're all voiced by black men.

I was lured into seeing it because of the futuristic special effects.