Ricky Coogin

The guy who played Ariel spent a number of scenes performing upside down, suspended from the rafters.

He fought a guy called H.B. Haggerty, a wrestler who did some acting work in the '70s. While not particularly big, he was bald and had a thick mustache that gave him a stereotypical tough guy look. Coincidentally, I watched some of the disaster movie Earthquake and he had a role as a brawling pool player. He's also in…

Occasionally, I'll do that little scream he does (but just loud enough to be annoying) around my mom if she shows me something that's supposed to be a surprise.

I remember one time at one of the Disney parks, they tried to get them to allow men to have mustaches, pointing out that Walt had one for most of his life.

If I recall, Spielberg did some Three Stooges bit in the E.T. documentary.

Those are Spielberg's hands in that scene of the guy ripping his face off.

I'm surprised Casella said that since he was Spielberg's assistant in the early '80s. It's actually Spielberg's hands tearing the flesh off Casella's character.

I switched Beauty and the Beast off halfway through because even the lovely Emma Watson (and her mediocre voice) couldn't distract me from the fact that it was pretty much a scene-by-scene remake of the animated film.

"Don't worry, we've got plenty of snakes and lizards for them to play with, that's no problem, no problem at all."

If the movie doesn't have zombies or vampires in it, it's a children's movie.

Only one of the crows was voiced by a white guy (the same one who voiced Jiminy Cricket). Unfortunately, the character's name was Jim Crow.

Karma karma karma karma karma chameleon…

I don't know what I'm going to do with you people. I give you the Blue Boy, and what do I get? "Bow! Yield! Kneel!" That kind of stuff plays out of town around here.

I saw the Almeida's production of "The Tempest" with Ian McDiarmid as Prospero.

They managed to get a feature out of The Lawnmower Man while using nothing but the title. And both the story and the film feature a lawnmower and a man is paid to use it.


I think what scared me were the contact lenses.

She was one shade of lovely in those glasses even if she was dating a Commie.

I haven't seen it, but I know he played a role out of makeup in an episode called "King of the Beach."