Ricky Coogin

It's all based on the notion that people like to see bullies get their comeuppance.

My name has been used at least twice for action heroes, one in a big-budget film and one in a low-budget one.

I also wondered how she got cast to be Corey Haim's nerdy, unattractive sister in License to Drive.

During the first Hulk-out, the Hulk uprooted a light post and threw it through the trunk of the mobsters' car and in the next scene, they worry not only about what they'll tell the boss, but also how they'll explain things to the rental car company.

There's a lot that didn't make it into the movie, and not just the superviolent parts.

I caught a couple of episodes of the TV show during the weekend after the Fourth. In one, David befriends a midget wrestler in trouble with the Mob (everybody David ran into was in trouble with the Mob) and he Hulks out in a wrestling ring and throws the other wrestler into the stadium's balcony.

Which makes me think we could start a thread of critics who became filmmakers.

Your ad says I can have it "My Way" and "My Way" is a herring Whopper with extra mayo!

I made a salmon stew this weekend with a quarter cup of fresh dill in it. It was hot.

"See ya! Wouldn't wanna be ya!"

Herring can also be used to cut down trees.

I can imagine the contrast between Landau in a suit and a bunch of 40-somethings in Batman T-shirts.

Close…he's been hanging around Culver City for the last 50 years or so. Near Bing Crosby.

I rewatched it last month. One of my first crushes was Nina Siemaszko in that movie. It also had an influence on my own style…I think I bought my first spectators after seeing Jeff Bridges wear them in the film.

I've read one or two of her books. She uses the word "blubberbutt" a lot.

He dared to make fun of their hero Obama, which makes him a racist and an out-of touch Old White Man. Plus he's a Republican.

I met Delbert Mann near the end of his life…he was so sick he had a nurse accompany him to our office. I told him I really liked Marty and he said, "Oh, bless you! You remember me!" I was under 30 and I think it meant all the more that a younger person appreciated his work.

Just remember…unless you are an actual personal friend of Martin Scorsese, you are not allowed to refer to him - even in writing - as "Marty."

Maybe Bad Lieutenant.

Buy some water from my Crazy Friend. He's on his way over for the last night. I know he made $225 the first night and managed to avoid getting a ticket from the cops.