Ricky Coogin

They trademarked their children's names as soon as they were born and have plans to start a line of baby clothes and accessories with the kids' names on them.

Right. Next you're going to tell me that other guys are into Lisa Loeb.

You aren't Blueberry Johnson by chance, are you?

Nigella Lawson's show was practically porno for me. I loved that she was totally unashamed that she loved to eat and would make sexy (to me, anyway) remarks about how round she was.

I've also never seen Van Sant's version of Psycho.

She's been dead for 20 years.

I tried to watch that movie a few days ago, and it sticks so close to the animated film that I shut it off halfway through.

I drew my share of dirty pictures of Ariel in my day. Usually she'd be in a miniskirt and have breasts as big as her head.

I love you
You love me
Goin' down the sugar tree
Where we'll see lots of bees
Playing, playing
But the bees won't sting
Because you love me


"Poob-lic library." Let's stay here awhile, Vern.

Stand around making the men look like they're in sixth grade.

Give me an Istanbul Express. Make it a triple.

"What's six inches long and white? Nothing! Ha ha!"

Old WHITE (i.e., irrelevant) dudes.

I heard that Madonna was annoyed by the nickname "Madge" until she learned it was short for "Your Majesty."

Does anyone else think the ridiculous idolatry for these two is way overproportionate to their talent? I'm not saying either one sucks, but for God's sake, you'd think they were the Beatles the way people slobber over "Queen Bey" and buy up everything these idiots put their name (or their children's name) on.

"Sir." Why not just name the kid "Your Majesty"?

1941 is pretty awful, and that's with a lot going for it, like a cast full of great people, a good John Williams score, Spielberg's obsession with World War II, lots of special effects……….and it still sucks.

The Lost World has my vote as well. I remember a cool action scene with Julianne Moore and a cracking glass windscreen, but I also remember giving Malcolm a daughter who karate kicks a dinosaur and has some shit dialogue about how she figured her dad wouldn't be mad that she stowed away on a transcontinental trip.