Ricky Coogin

I always thought Frosty was a fucking moron, even as a kid, because he says "Happy Birthday!" whenever he's revived.

Or that I usually referred to her as "the middle Dixie Chick…the cute, chubby one."

From the article:

I think Pasdar and Natalie Maines are getting divorced, so there's that.

"I've always had a fear of clowns. I suppose it stems from the time I went to the circus, and a clown killed my father." - Jack Handey

It's never Eastwood who's the funny one, it's either the orangutan or that broke-dick biker gang.

Heartbreak Ridge is hilarious.

I was trying to find that great quote of his where he says he's a shoe salesman from Ohio who one day just decided to be who he wanted to be.

The guy's last name is Klotz? Are you sure that's not a MAD magazine article you read?

When the Ernest P. Worrell character took off, NBC let Jim Varney perform Shakespeare during their news story on him.

I like that Alec Baldwin once said he thinks the "Schweddy Balls" sketches are stupid and he wishes people didn't like them so much.

Complaining about misogyny in an Andrew "Dice" Clay movie is like saying you'd find the Three Stooges funnier if they weren't always hitting each other.

"Suck my dick….Tracy."

I'm just glad she doesn't grow at all. A lot of her cute outfits come from places like Burberry and cost several hundred bucks each.

Spike Lee tweets something stupid

We are DMX's shufflin' crew!
Shufflin' on down, bringin' it to you!
We're so bad, we know we're good!
Blowin' your mind like we knew we would!

Wasn't he the one who tried to pass himself off as an FBI agent to get out of something?

Yeah, kind of like I figure the Washington Generals are going to rise up and kick the Globetrotters' asses one day.

Thanks for stopping by.

Stop saying that! You're being ignorant!