Ricky Coogin

I always thought Gen X was the group of people before us, the ones born in the late '60s and early '70s. The ones who got all nostalgic for shit like Speed Racer and The Brady Bunch and Schoolhouse Rock.

We are also the last generation to remember a time before cable television. When a teen having a cell phone was a sight gag, not reality. When you had to buy an album or listen to the radio to hear music. When most phones still had cords, and people had answering machines.

Whatever, man. Doing stuff, like, sucks.

[seeing luxurious hotel suite]

Part III was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.

Started the seventh season of South Park and I'm really enjoying it. Surprised how much they get away with. Also rewatched a few King of the Hill episodes.

I didn't know Michelle Rodriguez could smile.

He was also Lewis's dad in Revenge of the Nerds, whose idea of highway driving was to keep the cruise control at 35 miles an hour.

Those animals are taking jobs away from Catholic families who rely on selling their excess offspring to medical experiments to make ends meet. Like in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.

It's crazy how popular cowboy movies and TV shows were back in the day. Gunsmoke and Bonanza were on for a long period of time.

At least he didn't save his turd in his dresser drawer like Beavis did.

"Your father know you have his car? So…you two are being bad girls, huh?"

The Night of the Hunter II: The Search for Harper's Gold.

Things are progressing in Cook County. You used to have to wait till 11 am on Sundays to buy alcohol, but for the past several years, you can buy it at 8 am.

Was it Harvey naked on crack?

I'm going to send in five minutes of footage of me watching TV shirtless while consuming a frozen pizza. The title underneath will say: I AM AMERICA.

After four months on hold, they're finally sending me David Halberstam's "The Best and the Brightest." How come there was that much demand for a book that's well over 40 years old?

I always thought he was a jerk because he was always calling people "dickhead."

I hate superheroes. When is this world going to get sick of them? "Here's another origin story. Here's a spinoff. Here's a reboot. Here's a movie that'll be REALLY gritty." Stop it. I feel like Siskel and Ebert when they used to bitch about all the movies inspired by Friday the 13th and Porky's.

Mama, welcome to the 1960s!