Ricky Coogin

Killed when Beagley Beagley drove under a low bridge.

I'm hearing the "Superman" theme in my head reading the article.

I saw Larry King once. I wish it was at Dairy Queen.

There's a company called Allen Edmonds that makes great dress shoes; the factory is just north of Milwaukee. One year I went to their summer tent sale and they had shoes in up to size 22. I think they were for guys who are like seven feet tall.

I used to live on Whitley and it was fun walking down the boulevard and saying hi to Sly (the dude dressed as Rambo) and Charlie Chaplin and seeing the pathetic Superman who wasn't really in great shape and wore red covers over his shoes instead of boots.

Is she the one who was married to Rex Harrison? Because I heard she was a hell of a drinker and sometimes got so fucked up at parties that she'd start to bark like a dog.

On and off. Last night I definitely was not "on." I told myself I'd start dating after the Fourth of July holiday but I don't see that happening now.

I once interviewed for a position as Saban's assistant.

A lot of people are, as Holden Caulfield describes a classmate in The Catcher in the Rye, "as sensitive as a goddam toilet seat." They don't understand how hard it can be losing your hair, especially at a young age, and if asked, would point out silly action stars like Vin Diesel or The Rock as role models.

I hate to say it, but people are extremely insensitive when it comes to hair loss. It's hard enough going bald, but it's worse when others seem to take so much pleasure and humor from it. And then expect you shouldn't care because there are a couple of action heroes who are bald.

I know how you feel. I want to date but I hate how I look and so if a woman finds me attractive this way, it proves she has no taste or no options. I can fix some things about me, but I can't hide my height or being bald. And I hate the idea of dating someone who thinks big bald guys are attractive.

Chill out….dickwad.

I find myself sometimes willfully not putting sunblock on before a bike ride because I hate the idea that, as a bald guy, I have to be extra careful since I don't have hair to shield the top of my head from the sun. Hair is a biological advantage: it protects your head and it also absorbs sweat.

Pervert. If you have to have a thing for an animated character, choose a human, like Ariel, from The Little…never mind.

I always liked Marty's jacket from the 2015 scenes. That movie has NOT aged well, especially the 2015 scenes. It's a lot louder and more slapsticky. And the screenplay is an embarrassment compared to the first film.

Helloooohhhhhh? Come on guys, this isn't exactly Nineties behavior, is it?

Our family party isn't until the weekend after, so I will probably be in the city. I could go up north and work from there since my job is totally offsite, but I don't want to spend four or five whole days with family.

Lucky jerk. I realized today that I have spent more of my life without a full head of hair than with one. I made the mistake of just shaving my whole head and face today, figuring I'd let it grow for at least the next week. I hate the Mr. Clean look and usually just buzz my sides and stubble in a Statham sort of way.

"You remember that scene…in your movie Last Temptation of Christ…where Jesus went into the temple…and all the moneychangers were there…and he started turning over all their scales, and then he totally loses it on that one guy?"

Is this about Scotty, a pie eating contest, and the transporter?